Nothing - The Process

And the Sentient Being continued:


"I have understood so much from that principle of nothing being untapped Reality, but I have to know the Way. I have to know the Process. Revelation knowledge is just talking about goals and intentions. We've talked about when every man is saved. And we've talked about what hell really is. And we've talked about the true meaning of resurrection. But we haven't really talked about the dynamics or the technique, The Way, The Process.

When the disciples went to Jesus and said, "Teach us how to pray," or when Jesus said, "Whatever you pray in my name, it shall be given to you." the real question being addressed was "What is the technique." How?

We just throw out the name: Jesus. Jesus didn't speak English, the common language was Aramaic.

In 1990, I went out to California to study with Rocco Errico, the protégé of George Lamsa, who is continuing Lamsa's work of translating the words of Jesus into Jesus' true language, which is Aramaic, not Hebrew. Hebrew is a borrowed language. There is some Hebrew in Jesus' teaching, but they are borrowed words, just as we have borrowed Papa from the Italian.

So, if Jesus had been speaking Aramaic, and not English, He would have said, "Whatever you pray, (beshemi), in my name, and we would have understood that He was saying, "When you pray, you have to pray in My technique" That is what beshemi means in the original language. "I'm not here just to do thing for you, but I will empower you with a technique and a process from which you can get any result in your life that you want by learning how to objectify your consciousness as the outer part of your life. I'm going to tell you the dynamics, The Process, of how to do it. I won't give you a fish, but I will teach you how to fish for yourself, so you can do this on your own.


Let's take a look at what God is, beyond the understanding of it being untapped Reality.

If we look up the word God in the Hebrew and Greek and follow it all the way to its root meaning, we find a most interesting definition of a tri-unity. Not a trinity, but a tri-unity. In both the Hebrew and Greek, in Strong's Concordance, God means: He, She, It. That's powerful! God means: He, She, It!

If we understand that we have He and She, we can grasp that the It is The Process or the result of the He and the She. When two physical bodies come together and conceive, we have always called it the Mystery of Life. How an egg and a sperm can come together and divide and divide to literally form an entire physical being is phenomenal. First there's the natural; then there's the spiritual. First there is the he and the she.

There is an It between the he and the she in you. Jesus sometimes referred to the Father as He. but as in John 14:10, He said, "the Father that dwelleth in Me , He doeth works the works." Sometimes the Father , He; sometimes the Father , that.

What was Jesus calling His Father?

He certainly wasn't talking about a separate entity or being. He was talking about something inside of Himself. In other words, when Jesus referred to the Father in neuter terminology, He was referring to the It, The Process.

What did Jesus know?

Jesus knew The Process of how to manifest who and what He was on the inside into his outer world.


How do we get into the process of He, She it? How can we learn that we are not victims? How can we learn how to create through our spiritual DNA?

In Ephesians 4:29, it says, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers."

In other words, we'd better be careful what we are saying. We'd better be careful about our words! What fathers our words? Our thoughts! Every word has first had to be father ed from a thought. Was Jesus calling the Father, The Process of His own consciousness, the ability to objectify His own thoughts into the reality of His life? Think about it. The Father is The Process Jesus was one with and came from, for Jesus was the Word made flesh. What fathered Him? Divine Father, spiritual Father.


We are learning all the time about the body-mind connection, that negative thoughts from the mind produce diseases in the body. Which father are we of? Our father, the adversary, the devil? Or are we of the Father, whom Jesus talked about, who fathers life, health, prosperity, blessing peace, and so on? Every word is coming forth out of our mouths from one or the other.

In Galatians 6 it says, "Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men.

The word opportunity, if you track it down, means to copulate or copulative. It comes from the idea that when the time is right, conception or creation takes place. What this is saying is that we are given an opportunity to create the conditions of our lives.

But, you say, "God is going to do it!"


My dad could not have my child for me. My dad could give me The Process that created me, and I could create my child and extend my dad through me into my child and keep the genetics going. But each one is given the process to use for himself.

I don't know what we think we are waiting for! There is nothing to wait for! We are complete! Not going to be! We are complete in Him! We have every principle, every ingredient of The Process in us to create and birth the conditions of our lives, individually , as well as collectively.

That is what I want to empower everyone with. Something we can bring into our marriages, in our relationships, on the job, or when we need to deal with the waitress at the restaurant who in not in a good mood. We want to be empowered so we can go out there and change our world to fit our inner kingdom.

We have to stop preaching just another philosophy. We can't end up just another new religion. We have to become the Word made flesh. And we do that by The Process of He, She, It.

Chapter 3


The He of Spirit

It is the He of the Spirit that represents the part of ourselves that contains the record of what has already been done and accomplished and finished. The first place we have to start is by knowing individually that everything is IN ME NOW. Life is in me now. It's not a reward after I die. Perfect peace that passes all understanding is in me now! There is nothing I can do to be good enough or bad enough to not have it. It is in me now! Heaven is in me now! The Kingdom of God is in me now! Joy that is unspeakable is in me now! It is all in the highest atmosphere of our minds. This pure state is an atmosphere where it exists.

The scripture says that we need no man to teach us, because the anointing abideth in us, (!john 2:27). The Christos abideth in us. Christ abides in us! Christ is in me; I don't have to wait for His coming! Christ is in me now. These are simple things, but that is where we have to come from. That is the He of the spirit! That's the He of the pneuma.


Let us take it a step further. It is just not enough to have it in us! We're tired of hearing that it is in us. We're looking for manifestation! We've made every excuse there is, until we've run out of excuses as to why it hasn't happened. Like some big sobering thing is going to hit us, and for some reason, we have had to make all these excuses for God as to why God has withheld the manifestation of His kingdom in our lives.

Well, it's just not time yet. In due time...In due season...
we're not spiritual enough...I'm not trying to get spiritual; I AM a spirit!

I thought for years and years that I was my body. That is one of the greatest false teachings of Christianity, as far as I'm concerned. We have bought into a belief system that we are our bodies. But we really don't believe that, because if we go to a funeral, we say, "Well, there's so-and-so's body. We don't say that is so-and-so. We say, "There is his body. he's gone."

Because I thought I was a body, I worked very hard to have a great spiritual experience. Always striving for more spirituality.. Then I read the words of a great theologian, Teilhard De Chardin. He was sort of a rebel, who was shaking up the Roman Church back in his day, and he said that we are not human beings trying to have a spiritual experience, but we are spirits trying to have a successful human experience.

I said, "That's it! Thank you!"

That turned everything around! It meant that everything I thought I needed to attain, I already was! It was then that I stopped trying to escape from my humanity and realized that I had chosen to come out of a pure spiritual world to undergo the human experience.


The ego's religion will try to stop us from experiencing the human experience by aborting it an taking us off into a spirituality that is nothing but a euphoria, like a religious drug. This drug causes us to hallucinate and makes us think that Jesus has won all the battles. We're never going to fight a battle again! We've got the victory over everything in our lives. But when the drug wears off, we find that nothing has changed, and we're right back where we were. Then we need to go back Wednesday night and get another shot of the drug.

One book that I have recommended to people for years is, When God Becomes A Drug, by Father Leo Booth. I think every fundamentalist Christian in the world should have to read that book, because when they do, they say, "Oh, my God, that's me! I did that!" How we just looked for a euphoric state! Something that we have called spirit that was temporal. It just got us a temporary fix.

Our goal is not to look for a euphoric experience! TRUE IDENTITY as spirit is the greatest experience that a human being can have! To know who we truly are is the experience we are looking for!


What is man that God is mindful of him?

What a powerful question! Can you answer it personally? Can we answer it collectively? Can we say that God is so mindful, because God cannot deny Himself? Even when we do not abide faithful, God abides faithful, for He cannot deny Himself. (2 Tm. 2:13)

What is man?

Man is not this flesh in this body! Man is spirit, and God cannot deny that part of Himself! That is what we are! And that is why all spirit returns back to God who gave it in the first place.

That is our security! That is where it is done! That is our foundation! That is the place in which it is finished."

Next - Becoming


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