The Reality of Righteousness 4

The wise Sentient Being ended his discourse:

A Divine Inheritance.

"Most of God's people have been blinded for many years by religion, but God is opening the eyes of our understanding so that we can clearly see what He has given to us in the New Covenant. We all know something about the New Covenant; that it is a will. And in a will there are always benefits. When you leave a will, you leave all of your assets to the heirs of your will.

God hath bequeathed to us, a divine inheritance. Yet Most of His people have not taken advantage of all the benefits of His will. Most act like beggars, sitting like poor worms of the dust, laden down with the cares of this life, when we have a vast bank account, if you will, full of resources available to us
Religion has made the people of God so sin-conscious, so aware of their weaknesses and their failures, that it has given them a feeling of unworthiness, and seemingly unable to break the power of carnality in their lives. That's what the system of religion has done, not to the sinner, but to the church. Because of this most of God's people find themselves unable to break the dominion of darkness in their lives. But God has good news for us. God has a cure for sin-consciousness. Sin-consciousness is just that awareness of being separated from God, feeling unable to do that which you know you should do. Sin-consciousness can also be called, self-consciousness. You are so conscious of you carnal self. "I would like to do this. I really would, but something in me, I'm just so self-conscious. I come into a meeting alive and full of people praying and praising and worshiping and lifting their hands, and I'd love to do it, but there is something in me that will not let me do it. I'm just so self-conscious. I can't." That's sin-consciousness.

We need More Than Doctrine

Now doctrinally you may know you are saved, that you have Jesus in you, that you have the divine life and nature in you, but with a sin-consciousness you are more self-conscious than you are conscious of the new nature that God has placed within you. You have a desire to live Godly in this world, but if you are self-conscious you find yourself with the experience of Roman's chapter 7. You delight in the law of God in the inner man (the spiritual man) but the law of sin and death (because of an unrenewed mind,) keeps you in bondage.

The body is dead because of sin. But your spirit is alive because of God's righteousness, not your own righteousness,[/i[ but God's. Your spirit is much deeper than your mind, emotion and your will. Deep down on the inside of you, where you really live, you are a spiritual being. That is where you are made alive. You are made alive [i]in your spirit. Your body is dead because of sin, but your spirit is alive because of righteousness. God has imputed to you through the new birth in your inner man, His righteousness. And you are just as righteous before God as Jesus Christ Himself. The problem is: The church is more sin-conscious, more conscious of the body, than of the new spiritual life deep on the inside.

Once you know where life really is you will begin to come out of sin consciousness. Life is in your spirit. Life is not in the mind. Your mind will never allow you to receive the goodness of God. Your mind will never allow you to live a Godly life on this earth unless it has been renewed by the power of the Spirit and the Word of God. Your spirit is alive, and when you learn that and you begin to function from your spirit instead of your mind, and you begin to line up your thinking with the life that's deep on the inside of you; you'll find that your body that has been dead because of sin will begin to change. Where your body once cried out for the lusts of the flesh and all the carnal things it now cries out for righteousness
Your body will control you unless your spirit has quickened it. You can be a Christian for a hundred years and if you have not learned to live in the spirit, your body will still control you. Your body is dead because of sin and your body will drive you and force you to do things against your will, unless you have a revelation and realization that down on the inside of you dwells the Spirit of the living God. On the inside of you dwells the very righteousness of God. Inside of you is dynamite. The power of God is the word "dunamis" in the Greek. And that's what God says we have on the inside of us - dynamite to blast the works of the carnal mindset. Glory to God!

The Cure for Sin-Consciousness

God's cure for man's sin-consciousness is death and resurrection. His death not ours! His death on the cross was an end to the old creation and His resurrection was the beginning of the new creation.

I have such a burning desire on the inside of me that all of creation would become aware of what we have inherited through Christ. [i[Do we really know what's on the inside of us?[/i[ We say, "Jesus lives in me", just like we say, "It's a nice day." We have within us the uncreated indestructible life of God Himself. Who is this Jesus that lives within us by the spirit? If the eyes of your understanding are opened you will see that He has penetrated into your spirit and has caused His life to come alive in you, and you are now one spirit with God

You will then understand the gospel, not just intellectually, but you will have a "knowing" just like that you know that you've been regenerated. Nobody could ever take it away from you, if you've been regenerated. Just like you know that, you can know the power of Jesus walking in you. You can know the power over good and evil the realm of the carnal mind. You can have the ability to scatter sickness and disease. However it will be by His will and not yours. This is not the realm of gifts but a change in consciousness. You can have the same consciousness that Jesus had, because He knew He was the Son of God. Nothing blocked His success over the realm of the five senses.

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. Without Him was not anything made that was made. IN HIM WAS LIFE. And the life was the light of men." This is why Jesus told His disciples that they were the light of the world. "The Word became flesh." Oh I tell you, we have the life of God on the inside of us. We are also the word become flesh. I shared in book two on righteousness the seven elements that are in the resurrected Spirit of Jesus Christ that have been deposited on the inside of our being. We have everything that God is on the inside of us - everything. Everything that Jesus accomplished while on earth is now deposited on the inside of our being by our oneness in spirit. Oh glory to God! Colossians 1:15 says, "Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature." verse 18, "And he is the head of the body, the church; who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead." Jesus was the firstborn from among the dead. That's why it says in verse 15 that He is the firstborn of every creature. He is the firstborn of the new creation. When Jesus came out of death, He was the firstborn, the head of a brand new creation. Because He was a man that was fully God, and a God that was fully man - the head of a new race. So when He arose from the dead, He arose as the head of a new race, a people who were fully God and fully man. "And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fullness of him that fills all in all." Eph 2:23

You may say, "How can you say that?" I can say only what the Word says, and if you'll allow God to renew your mind and allow Him to reveal to you the purpose for your creation, the purpose for your being, the purpose for Him coming alive in you, you will know the truth of these words. Christ was the firstborn from among the dead to become the head of a new creation. Let's look at Romans 8:29."For whom he did fore-know, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren."

The only begotten Son of God became the firstborn of a new creation, the firstborn of many brethren. Jesus on the cross defeated the law of sin and death. He took your sinful nature, (the belief in being separate from God) into death. Jesus became the sin-bearer. He took it all. He took your sinful nature into death so that you could have His nature and become His righteousness. "So also it is written, "The first man, Adam, became a living soul. "The last Adam a life-giving spirit." 1 Cor 15:45

That's what the cross was all about, not just so you could be saved and live some low, unworthy worm of the dust life until you die and go to heaven NO!. That's not the purpose for the cross. The cross was to show you the great love of God for His creation and to bring you into an awareness of your spiritual identity so that you could live as Christ on this earth. ..... "Because as He is so are we in this world." I Jn 4:17; II Peter 1:3, "According as his divine power. (And that word "power" again is the word "dunamis" - dynamite.) hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness." The word "life" here, is the word "zoe" which means, "God's life". He didn't give to you another kind of human life. The only life that Jesus ever imparts to you is "Zoë" life, the life of God. And He says, "All things that pertain unto life and godliness." Life is God's life, and godliness is the expression of that life. He's given unto you all things that pertain to His life and the expression of that life. The church is the expression of God's life. And again, how does God express Himself? How do you express yourself? If there are no words coming forth, there is not much expression. You express Godliness by the words that you speak. You express the tree of life, the heavenly realm, the life of your Father God, or the life of your father the devil, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You express God when you speak from your spiritual man; you express the life of the serpent when you speak from the carnal mind or the earth realm.

Even as a Christian, you can receive your life from the wrong source. Don't think that you can't. And what you express reveals what tree you are receiving your life from. Now I know we are repeating some of these things, but it is necessary. It is necessary because I can listen to many of God's people talk, and they are not expressing His life. You express what is in your heart. Many today only think of God when they go to church. They only talk of God on Sunday and acknowledge Him only when they meet together.

It is not that you have to work or strive to be righteous. I've often shared, "You can take an old dog and dress him up and put clothes on him, and try to make that dog act like a man. He can't do it." How could you even expect a dog to act like a man? But you see; religion expects you to act like God. Religion expects the human being to act like God. And a human being cannot be like God anymore than a dog can be like a man, unless the dog could become a man, unless you could inject the man into the dog. And then the dog would think like a man, act like a man, talk like a man. And that's exactly what God has done. My spirit, which was made in the image of God, has come into this body and as my spirit is awakened or regenerated I begin to live as God on this earth. This is the message of redemption. We have been redeemed (brought back) to our original positional in God before the disruption of the world. "Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean." Isa 52:1. We have been awakened and we now see ourselves in light of the heavenly realms. We are holy, undefiled, a Son of God ruling from the heavenly realms and not the earthy. I know it is hard for many to see themselves in this light because they have not learned to look at the spirit instead of the flesh. You know that inside of you is this wonderful person, but you look too much at the flesh. Instead of focusing on the spiritual man, you focus on your carnal thinking.

You Are In Christ

I Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 30 says, "Of him are you in Christ Jesus." Now when did God put you in Christ? Did He put you in Christ the day you said, "Jesus, I receive you?" No, You were created in Christ and through the cross you were bought back. "Just as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive."

You see; you were in Adam. Therefore, you inherited by nature that "sin and death" that Adam received in the garden. But you were in Christ at Calvary. Just as you were in Adam when Adam transgressed, so you were in Christ when Christ went to the cross. And He took all of the sin, all of the weaknesses, all of the inferiority. He took everything negative in the universe into death. He paid the price for man's redemption, and He came out of death the head of a brand new creation. He didn't come out of there an old creation made new. You are not an old creation being made new, but you are a brand new creation in Him, and all old things are passed away. You see why I say again and again, it's time for the church to wake up. We still believe the lie that we are human beings instead of spiritual beings. The truth is, we are sons and daughters of God. We have inherited all things.

John 1:16 says, speaking of Jesus, "Of his fullness have we all received." All of God's people need to know about the righteousness of God. Why do we keep waiting for the fullness when we have received it? Because we do not believe what the scriptures tell us. We believe our experience of carnality instead. We need to be like the man who prayed, "Oh Lord help my unbelief." It would be good to pray the following prayer night and day until you have a revelation of having received His fullness.

"Oh God, open the eyes of my understanding. Lord, that I might know what is the hope of my calling, that I might understand the resurrected power that raised Jesus from among the dead now dwells and lives, operates and moves within my being. God, that the eyes of my understanding would be enlightened, that I might know that anointing that you've placed within me."

You have received an anointing of God, and that anointing will teach you of all things, and that anointing is the truth and is no lie. We all need to learn to abide in this anointing.

"Abide in the anointing that I've placed within you; and you shall begin to live the life that's really life. You shall begin to live a life that knows no bounds and no limitations. You shall begin to live and to walk in such a realm of the Spirit of the living God within you, that there shall no sin, no sickness, no disease that will be able to stand in your presence. You shall begin to live by the divine life. You are seated in heavenly places. I have resurrected you from among the dead. And I have seated you in the heavenly places, and you have all power and all authority. I have placed you in that Name that is above every other name, that Name that's above disease and sin and death and sickness."

As we become more and more awake to our spiritual being this will become our experience. We are in a "Matrix" of human and religious beliefs, but we are waking up, praise the Lord. How can we be sick and weak and powerless in the kingdom of God if we awake fully to righteousness? The Sons of God are about to come fully conscious in His presence and power to set creation free. We know these things and we are beginning to walk in them. HALLELUJAH!

Jesus has been given a Name that's above every other name, that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, and every tongue confess. Oh how wonderful it will be when all of creation acknowledges the works of the THE SON OF MAN. When we really see Him as He is we will be like Him for we will see him as He is. He never asked to be worshiped as a man. He always said, "I of my own self can do nothing, it is my Father in me that does the work." This is true of all of us. We cannot do anything as a human being, but when we awaken to the spiritual life we realize that we are as he is. We can never be defeated again. No matter what anyone says about us, no matter what names we are called be it New Age or whatever, it cannot disturb or peace or composure. We have be unveiled to our true nature and we love regardless of circumstances.


"Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made me able to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light." Colossians, 1:12. God has made you able to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light. We must realize that we have been made a partaker. You don't have to try to be a partaker. God says, "I have made you able." Paul says, "We are ministers of the new testament, not of the letter, but of the spirit, for the Spirit gives you life."

"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." 2 Pet 1:4

One of the ways you awake to the divine nature is by receiving the promises of God. Also by realizing what you are trying so hard to become, God has already made you to be in the new creation.


All you need to do is turn from your old carnal reasoning and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. "Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of His Son." He has delivered us from the power of darkness. The church is still trying to get free because they believe the lie rather than the truth. The church is still trying to get free because of the carnal mentality, because of not being able to receive with simplicity the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls. You receive the living Word of God, and it will energize you, and even cause you to walk in God's covenant. You have been delivered from the power of darkness. And we all know the power of darkness is satan's kingdom, the earthly realm. How many people do you know today who are still trying to get out of satan's kingdom? Christians, I'm talking about. How many Christians do you know who are still walking in darkness, who are still trying to get out from underneath the rule and dominion of the satanic influence? Still fighting demons and devils. It is deception! They are still living and trying to rule from the earth rather than the heavens. Satan lies to them through their carnal mind. And he says, "Because you are this way - because you have this habit - because you do this - because you do that, I have you in my dominion and control." And I say, "Devil, you are a liar; because the Word of God says to me that He has delivered me from the authority of darkness. 'In Him was life, and the life was the light of men." The life is the light.

How come we can go into so many Christian meetings, and there is no light? There is no light because there is no life. Life produces light. In Him is life, and the life produces light. You get a hold of the reality of the Spirit of God on the inside of you, and light will begin to penetrate into your mind and revelation will come to you because of the presence of God that abides within you. May God open our eyes, because it's not a struggle. You receive your deliverance from demonic influence as easily as you would take a dollar bill from my hand should I give it to you. You just receive it, and then believe it. You don't even have to feel like it, and that's where the problem comes in. Until we learn to go by the authority in our spirit, regardless of how we feel, we will never experience the release from the kingdom of darkness, because it doesn't come by feeling, it comes by receiving and believing. I can have a cigarette in my hand, and I can believe that by the power of God that in my spirit I am a new creation and God has delivered me from the authority of darkness, and there is no demon in Hell, there is no spirit of nicotine that can take possession of my body. "In Jesus Name, (in His stead) I break the power of the addition, and I stand as a new creation man. I stand as a seed of Abraham. I stand in the blessings and the inheritance of God; and I command this desire for nicotine to dry up." I'll tell you, that's how you come out from underneath the dominion of satan. And you do it again and again. I don't care if you smoke a hundred times a day. What ever it is, whatever the habit, whatever the hang up; if the enemy hits you a hundred times a day, you fight with the spoken word. That is the only weapon that we have. The only weapon that you need to defeat the enemy is the words that you speak out of your mouth. The words that you speak from your spirit will break the power of darkness. If the church gets a hold of this, we will set creation free; we will set it a blaze with the fire of the Holy Spirit. The fire of God will burn out all of the carnality and negativity within us.


Your words will set you free or keep you in bondage. "In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins." Oh the goodness of God! Remember, you can never exhaust the supply of God's forgiveness. God doesn't look at your sin. God imputes to you His righteousness. And when you understand that, you will understand freedom from sin (the carnal mind). The enemy can't knock you down enough times that God won't cause you to stand and rise upon your feet, if you can believe. God has transferred us into His kingdom. You cannot be regenerated without being placed in God's kingdom, but it is a spiritual kingdom. It is a secret kingdom, secret only until your eyes are unveiled, and you begin to understand some of the riches of the new covenant. You begin to enter into some of the benefits of the Will, and then it is no longer for you, a secret kingdom. God delights to unveil to His people the riches of His resurrection life that He's placed within them, but they must realize everything is available to them through the spirit that is within them. it is theirs through inheritance.

Religion has absolutely robbed us of the reality of God's righteousness. Man will do everything except in simplicity believe God. He'll pray, read the Bible, go to church; he'll do everything except receive the simple Word that says, "You have been delivered from the power of the enemy." We have been delivered not someday will be. The best cure for a sin-consciousness is the renewing of the mind. Let's look at Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 17, "This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind." If that were not possible, He would not give us that warning. And we can see by the condition that the church is in today, that they need to hear this Word. "Walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of your/their mind. Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God (that is in them) through the ignorance that is in them,(the carnal mind) because of the blindness of their hearts." And that's the condition of the vast majority of God's people today. "Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God that is within them." There is enough power in us if it were fully awakened, to turn the world upside down. We have enough power to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth.

So many are walking in darkness not realizing what they have on the inside of their being. Having sin-consciousness rather than God-consciousness. We are more aware of our weakness and our inabilities that we are of the consciousness of God to put us over, to make us stand in any situation.

Put Off The Old And Put On The New

Paul says, in verse twenty-two, "Put off concerning the former manner of living the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind." Eph 4:11 When you are renewed in the spirit of your mind, you have the mind of Christ, and it is awaking. You don't one day think like a man, and the next day think God, but by meditation, prayer, and being in His presence on a daily basis, your mind begins to be saturated with the Living Word not the dead letter. You become aware of His presence; and you begin to then feel that strength that comes from deep inside of you from the Spirit of the living God. "That ye put off the old man." And, oh my, how I use to struggle to do that. But do you know, a man who is in sin-consciousness, a man who is self-conscious cannot put off his old man. You can struggle with it, you can strive with it and take it to your grave; but until your mind is renewed, you will never put off the old man. Listen to what Paul says. Paul even tells you here how to do it. And we have done everything but - "Be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which according to God is created in righteousness and true holiness." That is the new man on the inside of you. He is created according to God with His righteousness and holiness, YOU, the spirit of man on the inside of you; you have been recreated in His righteousness and holiness. And Paul tells you now how to put on the new man. "Wherefore put away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor:" Eph 4:25. It is that simple. That is how you put on the new man. You begin to speak the truth. You put away every lie. Everything in your life that is not according to godliness, don't give voice to it, but speak the truth. You can be full of hang-ups. And if you speak about the hang-ups, and you speak about the habits, and you speak about the problems, you are strengthening the carnal man. But if you begin to let those things die by not giving expression to the carnal man, you will begin to rise in glorious victory. "Put away lying and speak the truth every man with his neighbor." What is the truth? We know the truth is what God has spoken. You want to put away your old carnal self-life? You want to see your flesh die? Don't give it expression. Anything without expression has to die. And what you give expression to will live and be strengthened. That is why Proverbs tells us that, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." Prov. 18:21. What do you want death or life? If you speak death, if you speak according to your carnal nature, if you speak about your habits, and all your faults and how you cannot be obedient, you will give strength to your carnal man. But if you speak life, you will strengthen the spiritual man. Of course this is not just a matter of being positive and speaking positive. Being positive is much better than being negative but you must speak from what you know to be true in your heart. Just give voice to your spiritual man and the expression will come.

We all know that man was created in the likeness and the image of God, and God creates by speaking. He just said, "Light, be. Let the earth come up out of the waters." You can say, "Life, be. I release the light of God to flow into my mind. I release the new creation man on the inside of me to take dominion over the flesh." It is that simple. You don't have to fight. You don't have to struggle. Simply release the power of God. Let's read these verses again. "That ye put off concerning the former manner of living, the old man, which is corrupt according to deceitful lust. Be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor."

And it is that simple. People come to me all the time, and I tell them, "The best thing I can tell you to do is be quiet. If you can't speak what God says about you, if you can't believe the Word of God, why are you a Christian?" Do you know a born again child of God is a believer? Do you know that you are a believer? And you realize this when you are confronted with these kinds of truths. I am a believer! There is something in me that will not allow me to disagree with the Word of God. Yet until our tongue is tamed, we will constantly speak things that are not in agreement with our new nature. We do it because we are ignorant. Ignorant means, you just don't know. I didn't know any better. But when you begin to speak only those things that are according to godliness, it will cause the strength of God to rise up on the inside of you. Glory to God!

God's righteousness when you understand it will restore to you your right standing with God. You will have the same consciousness that Jesus had when He approached the Father. You say, But I am so sinful." But He took your sin upon the cross of Calvary. "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us." Ps 103:12 "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." Heb 8:12

When you go before God, He does not look at your sin, He chooses not to even remember it. He does not look at your failure; He is only conscious of seeing one coming to Him who is robed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ through faith in His blood and in His Name. That is how God looks at you. Jesus had no sense of fear in the face of death. He stood boldly before the tomb of Lazarus and said, "Lazarus, come forth." When the church awakes to the righteousness of God, the church will do the works of God. We've been waiting for years for the fulfillment of Jesus' words that said, "He that believes in me, the works that I do shall he do, and even greater works shall he do, because I go to the Father." And the church will never do the works of God until we realize that "God is in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure." Phil. 2:13. He has made us just as righteous as Jesus is. You as a new creation man are just as righteous as Jesus Himself. Jesus knew He was a master over satan. He had no consciousness of failing when He came up against satan and you can be assured of the same victory over the human thinking and beliefs.

Paul said in Philippians, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who thought it not robbery to be equal with God." You see; we've had a false sense of humility. We've even been taught to be humble in the wrong sense. We've been taught to approach God as poor miserable sinners, worms of the dust. That is not how you approach God. You approach God on the basis of His righteousness, of His shed blood, knowing that He has cleansed you and you stand as cleansed before Him, as Jesus Christ. No sense of inferiority! In the consciousness of your new man, you are not inferior to anyone. You may say, "Now wait a minute. If I wasn't inferior, wouldn't I be proud?" No. There is a real humility in godliness, a real humility when you realize that God is your life. There are times when the God of glory fills you to over-flowing, when you can fall on your face and you can weep before God. No, you don't feel pride, you feel humility that God could take someone such as you and re-create you and fill you full of His power, fill you full of His intercession, full of His divine love for all of creation. Oh God, how some times I lie on my face and I cry before God, and I say, "Father, how long are your people going to sit in darkness when there is such light being revealed?" Oh, it is time for the church to wake up."

When you understand your righteousness, your real fellowship with God is restored. Man lost that fellowship in the garden, the closeness, of being able to walk and talk with God. Man has much more now than just the ability to walk and talk with God, but He has God living and moving within him. Oh, when I reach out with my hand, and I touch you, it is as though Jesus touches you. And if you are weak, if there is sin in your life, in the Name of Jesus, the very touch of His hand is all that you need to experience forgiveness and restoration. "Know ye not that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost", and that God seeks a body in which He can bless humanity? Fellowship is restored, and your peace with God is restored through a proper realization of righteousness. The people of God are in such turmoil, not having much peace because of not having a proper understanding of righteousness. They don't understand that their righteousness doesn't come through works, but it comes by God unveiling you to the reality of your being. When you can stand as Jesus did and say, "I am the truth," you will have been awakened to the truth of the Gospel. As wicked as I might have been, as full of habits as I once was, even when I was dead in sins and trespasses, the scriptures say, "I have made you alive. I have placed my very life, my Spirit, in your being and made you alive even when you were dead in trespasses and sin."

Righteousness also restores to you freedom. When you have the consciousness of His righteousness, you are so free. Nothing ever again can bring you into bondage. The only way that you fail, the only way that you slip back into that old consciousness is that you forget again that you are a spiritual being justified by Calvary not by the works of the law but by faith in the Blood of Jesus.

We must be diligent to take every thought into captivity that comes to us through the carnal mind. You see, the scripture tells us, "Of Him, are you in Christ Jesus." 1 Cor. 1:30. The Father God has placed us in Christ Jesus, but where are you living? The body is dead because of sin, and if you are following the dictates of your flesh - Where are you living? "In Him is life, and the life is the light." Oh, if you will just begin to live in Him, live in your spirit - Do you know that to live in the Spirit is to live in your spirit? He said, "If you abide in me, and my Words abide in you" - see we can't get away from speaking. "If my words abide in you, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. "IF MY WORDS ABIDE IN YOU" - Do you know that if the words of God abide in you, that you are limitless as to what you can receive from the Father? "For if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." 1John 5:14. And if we know that He hears us, we know that we have the things that we ask for. You talk about knowing the will of God; once you know the will of God, and once His words abide in you, you become not just a hearer of the word but a doer. Oh, I can't wait until the church comes into the fullness of the inheritance of the saints in light. How exciting when we begin to function from our spirit-man, when we begin to identify with the death of Christ, not by struggling and trying to overcome, but simply by agreeing that the work is finished and all I need to do is live from my spiritual identity instead of this mistaken Identity of a limited human being who is separate from God

This is how I now speak. "Father I thank you that I've been buried with Jesus Christ by baptism into death. And like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so I now also walk in the newness of life. For I have been planted together in the likeness of His death, therefore I am also in the likeness of His resurrection-life. For I know that my old man was crucified with Him. I know that my body of sin was destroyed, that henceforth I do not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now I know that if I am dead with Christ, that I am also alive with Him, for I am raised from the dead. I do not allow sin dominion in my mortal body. I do not yield my members as instruments of sin, (carnal thinking) but I yield myself as one who is alive from the dead, and my members as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin does not, sin does not, have dominion over me, for I am not under the law but I am under the grace of God. And the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared unto me teaching me that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, I live soberly, I live righteously and I live godly in this present world. And I look for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and my savior Jesus Christ. Oh, He has redeemed me from all iniquity, and He has purified me. He has purchased me, and I am zealous of His good works."

How are you speaking in your daily life? "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you." That's what God wants you to release in His presence, His all-powerful, all creative word. Jesus is the express image of the Father, upholding all things by the Word of His power. If you stand, it will be because of the Word of His power coming alive on the inside of you. Peter says, "We are kept by the power of God through faith." Don't try to keep yourself. It is too hard. You can't do it. We are kept through the power of God, by faith.

Restored to a Son or Daughter

Righteousness will restore to you sonship. Oh, Halleluiah. When you begin to understand some of these things, and have the light of God penetrate your mind you will wonder, "Where have I been the last thirty years as a Christian? Where have you been?" - In the strugglings of the flesh - The church has been in the flesh, trying to get out instead of understanding and believing the Word of God. I John chapter 3, "Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knows us not, because it knew him not." You begin to live like a Son of God and the world will say, "Who is this?" "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. I Jn 3:2

Now we are the sons of God, and when he appears - Paul said, "When it please God to reveal His son in me." We know that when He appears IN US we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. That's why he goes on to say, "Every man that has this hope in Him purifies himself, even as he is pure." We purify ourselves continually day-by-day, moment-by-moment. We stand in the righteousness and in the blood of Jesus having this hope in ourselves, knowing that there will come a day when Christ, the Son of the living God, will be manifested fully within me. And when He appears, I shall be like Him for I shall see Him as He is. The world longs to see the manifestation of the sons of the living God. And these are the days when the sons are coming forth. I'll tell you, this is present-day revelation for the church of God. That's why it's being taught across the land, because these are the days.

The early Apostles went forth proclaiming the Word with signs following. And you will never speak a word of the living God by the Spirit of God without the signs following. The signs following this Word are that life will begin to spring up inside of you, that you will understand that you have within you, the ability to live Godly on this earth. Beloved, NOW are we the sons of God. Don't wait to be a son.

You begin to enter God's presence by releasing your inner man. When we came together, what a joy when you hear one after the other begin to speak and release praises and prayers and worship unto God. There will come a day when God's sons and daughters will come together by the hundreds releasing the praises and the testimonies of their experiences in God. "They over came him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." "And the day is here when men and women from all walks of life are proclaiming the glories of God. They shall decree a thing, and it shall come to pass, because they have the all-creative power of God coming forth on the inside of their being. They are the "One New Man" of Ephesians. They are standing in the oneness of God. They are standing in the light of God. They are standing in the revelation of God. They are standing as sons of the living God. They are receiving all the benefits of the will (the New Testament). And they shall establish the Kingdom of God in its fullness in this earth. You need to prophesy this way, because that is what is happening in these days. A little group of people here and there are awakening to their true identity. Give us a few more months, another year, five years; I don't care how long God takes. God's people will be so full of the glory of God that people will run to us in numbers because they are hungry for reality.

Praise God for the reality of His life in us."

Thus ended the discourse of this wise Sentient Being


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