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His Nature Part 2

When we focus on a struggle between the flesh and the Spirit, within us, that struggle is there because that's what we are focusing on. Focusing, is how we take thoughts captive.  Now, let's be clear about the "we" that I am speaking of here. It is not the "old us." That person died on the Cross with Jesus. I am speaking of the New Creature that resurrected WITH Jesus.  That one is the anointed of God. US!
His written Word says, that we have an unction. That unction is anointing. It's God's anointing in us, His New Creation. The "we" that I am speaking of, are those that know that it is Christ who is living this life, through us. OK?

Look at Paul. In one place, he calls himself "wretched man," although he knows that he was redeemed by Jesus on the Cross. But, later, when he realizes WHO'S LIFE IS REALLY LIVING through him, he confesses, "It is Christ that lives, not I." Now, when Paul says "It is Christ living, not I," Paul isn't talking about Jesus living through him, because Jesus had returned to being our Father. But, Paul is talking about God's anointing, God's very Life being lived through Paul. Paul, now sees, who he really is, he is God's anointed, just as Jesus saw in Himself. That's why Jesus NEVER took credit for anything that HE did, He gave all glory to Father. Paul, saw, that it was Father's anointing doing everything that he (Paul) did. Paul knew that he was a New Creation, and that it was the New Creation Man that Father did His work through. It's very important that we understand that word "Christ." That word was not Jesus' name, it described WHO He was, the anointed one of God. By us having received Father's fullness, that now describes us. And Father is revealing this to us. Just as a boy, Jesus LEARNED who He was by the scripture, and then at His baptism, Father confirmed it to Him;  we, by the scriptures, are LEARNING who we are. And Father is confirming it to us.  So let's get back to His Nature.

One thing we must do. When we read the written Word of God, we must, with childlike faith believe what it says. We must believe the TENSE it is written in. If that Word says "IS," then we cannot look into the future, and we cannot look back to the past. We must look at it as PRESENT TRUTH.  Let me ask you:

1) When Father says, "You are saved," Can you prove it in the natural?  NO!
2) When Father says, "You are created in His Image," Can you prove it in the natural?  NO!
3) When Father says, "You have received My Fullness," Can you prove it in the natural?  NO!!
4) When Father says, "You are perfected (complete)," Can you prove it in the natural?  NO!!

You know why? Because the natural needs proof. But, the Spirit needs no proof, because, the Spirit KNOWS! So how do we KNOW?  By the Spirit that WE ARE ONE WITH!!  The LIFE that we NOW LIVE, is HIS LIFE. (Gal 2:20)
We need not make it so complicated. Take His Word and BELIEVE HIS WORD and He will give understanding and THEN the Word becomes a LIVING LIFE, coming forth through you----His Life.

2 Peter 1:4, tells us, that we WERE BY NATURE, children of wrath.  And Eph 2:3, tells us that we received the DIVINE NATURE of God. Now, does God lie?  NO!!  Accept what He says. Then let HIM explain it to you. There are 2 natures, short and simple. Nature of wrath, and the Nature of God. That's it in a nutshell.

  Have you ever noticed that some Christians will say to themselves, "I want to see how much of God is showing through me?"  So, they start evaluating themselves. What's the first thing they look for, in themselves?  The negatives! Is there greed in me?  Is there self desire in me? Is there unpurity in me? Etc., etc.  And I'll tell you a secret. We can find anything in us, that we want to see!!  The carnal duality that we've lived in will find ANYTHING that we seek in ourselves, because that's what our focus is on! We magnify the negatives when we look for them through carnality. And by the time we find 4, 5, 6 negative things in us, we are SO DISCOURAGED, that about all we can believe is in us, is His Spirit, but even that is buried so deep within us, that we have to get in "a religious mood," to see anything of HIM!!
So, we then begin the struggle to rid ourselves of the negatives, or, what we call "evil." Our "magnifying glass" has enlarged the "evil" within us and that's what we see. THEN it APPEARS like we have 2 natures, within.

What does His Written Word say?

Heb 10:1-2, "For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year to year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged SHOULD HAVE HAD NO MORE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SINS."

Those worshippers had to have sins purged every year. But, Jesus made it possible with the sacrifice of Himself, and by the taking of sin to the Cross, for us to have NO MORE, a consciousness of sin!!  We shouldn't have, so why do we?  Because we don't look at things the way Father does.  What is the Truth? What should we look at?

PS 139:11-12, " If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.  Yea, the darkness hideth (darkeneth) not from thee; but the night shineth as the day; the darkness and the light are BOTH ALIKE TO THEE."

Did you hear that? The darkness and the light are BOTH ALIKE to God!!  You see, when we allow our focus to be divided; right and wrong; good and evil; darkness and light; we are focusing with a DUAL NATURE! God's Nature IS NOT dual. So, when we operate in that dual nature, it IS NOT His nature that we are operating in.

How do we operate in that Divine Nature that God gave us at salvation?

1) When we behold good, we must see God doing a work.
2) When we behold what WE call evil, we must see God doing a work.
3) Right and wrong-----same thing.
4) Light and darkness-----same thing.

Father spoke a Word to my heart, when I was in "retreat" with HIM several months ago. He said:
"My Sons must minister MY VERY NATURE back to Me" Before we can minister to ANYONE, we must minister to HIM!  In order to do this, we cannot keep thinking that we have 2 natures in us, or else we minister a nature of pollution!  He said:
"EVIL OR GOOD, LIES IN OUR RESPONSE TO IT !" So, when we see "evil" as evil, our focus is on evil and because we focus on it, we MAGNIFY it. The evil gets bigger and bigger and bigger. THEN the first thing we know, we are struggling and fighting "evil," to no avail!

But, when we see something that the carnal would tell us is evil, immediately, we should see that somehow, someway, somewhere, to someone, Father is doing a work, a refining work. Now, what is Father's Work?  LIGHT!!  So, we see Light and darkness as the same. NOTHING happens without Father allowing it!  If He allows it, HE does a work through it. Hallelujah!!  There is only ONE power, and that is HIS!!

If we are ONE with Father, then His Nature IS OUR NATURE. His consciousness IS OUR CONSCIOUSNESS. We ARE COMPLETE IN HIM!  Because we ARE created out from HIS VERY SUBSTANCE. We are Spirit beings, just as He is. (John 4:24)
When we understand that what He finished is finished, and give FOCUS TO the fact that God is ALL IN ALL and when we see that, the all that we focus on IS HIM, HIS WAYS, the way HE sees things. And the more we focus as He focuses, then what we focus on becomes a LIVING part of us. (Prov 23:7) This is how we come to see Christ in all people, regardless of where they are in the Lord.

We see denomination after denomination falling! We hear people, left and right, saying "Oh evil is taking over the churches." But, can we not see that God is doing a work, that LIGHT is coming forth to HIS PEOPLE?  It isn't that evil is taking over, it's a fact that God is doing a work and that work will bring HIS people into what He wants them in, and out of what He doesn't want them in. The "darkness" is a working of God, and it is bringing light, and that light is stopping the separation of his people and bringing them into UNITY.

When we look at good and evil, we are partaking of the tree of KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, but when we see Father in ALL things, we are eating from the Tree Of LIFE!!  We are to see what is finished in the Spirit, because we are Spirit being, within a flesh body.  This body IS NOT OUR LIFE, the Spirit IS.  His Nature is seeing ONLY Father working and acknowledging ONLY HIM and giving no attention to anything else.  


Be blessed...

"You can understand why a child is afraid of the dark but it is a tragedy when adults are afraid of the light."   May Christ manifest in you daily.