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Father is so good to speak to us and let us know the things that He not only wants us to know, but to do, what He wants. He has been speaking to me of late, about, how "resting" in Him, is "resting in the assurance of the HIS Words that He HAS shown us".

A little over a month or so ago, He said to me, "I keep saying COME, and my people keep saying "wait".

The latest teachings of some,  usually tell us, "wait, it's all is in His Timing".  And there is a truth in that. He has been showing me that, WE ARE HIS TIMING. Sadly to say, even in the Kingdom teachings, we have been living on PAST teachings.

We have a God, that is an ever moving God. When we don't move with Him, we stay on the manna of yesterday.

Hosea 6:1-3 says, "COME, RETURN unto the Lord........(2)After two days will
HE revive us:"

Some are "RETURNING UNTO THE LORD".  This does not mean a world wide revival!! It means an individual revival, in those who are listening to HIS WORDS, not man's.

"IN THE THIRD DAY He will raise us up, and we shall LIVE IN HIS SIGHT."

We are in the third day. He is wanting to raise us up. I believe that the "pollution" of teaching of the Word, has held us back from doing the very WORKS that our Pattern did, Jesus. We have not truly, "rested" in the assurance of His Word. He is, NOW, leading us into a relationship that many have not solely committed to.

Amos 5:4-6, "For thus saith the Lord unto the House of Israel, (which we
are) Seek ye me, and ye shall live; BUT SEEK NOT THE HOUSE OF BETHEL....."

The House of Bethel, means THE HOUSE OF GOD! Which, we are taught, that our
local churches are the House of God. He is wanting us to seek HIM, not teachings from the church, or man. Because, up until NOW, even the men that He called, has mixed HIS WORD with THEIR words.

He wants us to come ONLY to Him for teachings of PURE, UNPOLLUTED WORD.  Now, I'm not saying, that we are to stop having fellowship, and sharing, and LOVING  Regardless of who won't accept the Word, that He is bringing forth, we are to have fellowship. I am, also, not
saying ,that what Father is giving, today,  will be an easy Word, for a lot to accept. But, as we know, the more of the manifesting of HIM, through us, the more separated we may become, from some of the brethren, and many will not WANT the fellowshipping. But, that's ok. Father knows what He is doing.

He is bringing a people , out of a people, who will not "take counsel , but of HIM" and
will not be "covered with a covering, but of HIS SPIRIT" ,so that "sin will (not) be added to sin".

I believe that these, that are hearing these words from Father, will take His Word, Eat His Word, Digest His Word, and will BELIEVE HIS WORD, regardless of any past or present teaching and they will DO the works that Jesus did and greater works. I believe that Father is beginning to FULLY be seen through His People. I hope that this sharing, brings SPIRITUAL COUNSELING of Father, and a SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING and a SPIRITUAL DETERMINATION, to be included in the Body that show forth ONLY HIM.

I want to share some things that Father is showing me , regarding the polluted Word.

to be continued...
Be blessed.

"One man manifesting Christ, is better than 100 men preaching about Him.
May Christ Manifest in You, Daily.