Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10


GENESIS STUDY #3                 Jan. 15, 2009


I am going to list a few scriptures that will be repeated in these studies, because you MUST remember them and think on them EVERY DAY!! It is important that these verses MUST BECOME A PART OF YOU!! You will see them in almost every part of this study that I send you. DO NOT JUST MEMORIZE THEM!! Allow them to become YOUR TRUTH, because they ARE GOD'S TRUTH. And in these truths, you will come to see yourself differently, other than the way you have always thought of yourself. The way that we have been taught, in the past has and always will lead us to seeing death! HIS TRUTH IS THE ONLY WAY TO TRUELY HAVE LIFE. So I will probably put these scriptures at the beginning of each part of our study of Genesis. (we'll see)


1) Gen. 1:27 WE ARE created in God's Image.

2)John 1:16 WE HAVE ALREADY received God's Fullness (ALL that He is).

3) 1John 4:17 AS HE IS, IN THIS WORLD, SO ARE WE .

4) Colossians 2:9-10 YOU ARE COMPLETE IN HIM



****Proverbs 23:7 As a man THINKETH SO IS HE.


Make these scriptures a part of your life and of your belief. (for as you think, so are you).


Ok, let's begin with Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him: male and female created He them"


Ok, let's notice a couple of things in this scripture. First of all, it says that God created man. Notice this looks like God created just a man. Then at the end of this same scripture, it says, God created He THEM. Now, look at verse 28, "And God blessed THEM..."


If you remember , I told you that this PRESENT TRUTH, that God is showing us, is very different from the things we were taught in the past. I gave you scriptures showing that God has had truths HIDDEN SINCE BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, we are NOW learning them. Also, keep in mind that when Jesus began preaching and teaching, what He taught was so different from what the children of God had been taught before Jesus preached His truths. For this reason, they killed Him. So don't be so surprised that what we are being taught now, by God, is much different from what the world of men preaching and teaching us has shown us. Jesus IS our Pattern, until we come into the maturity that He came into.


ok. I want to take this scripture apart and really seek out what it is saying and get the truth of it, into us. Remember, AS WE RENEW OR CHANGE OUR MIND, WE ARE TRANSFORMED, into God's VISIBLE image, on earth.


So first of all let's look at , "God created....." and "God's image." The old testament was written in the Hebrew and Chaladen language. Now I use the King James Bible to do my studying with. Because by using the King James Bible, I have a concordance that every word in the King James Bible, can be studied out to see what each word means, in the language it was originally written in.


Number one: the language that the people of Moses' and Jesus' day, was not like the words used in the King James bible. Jesus and Moses DID NOT use words like "thee or thou". These words are in what is called "the King's language", like they use to speak in England . Back in that day,the day of Moses and Jesus, just as it is with us today, the people used symbolic words to express what they were talking about. In Moses' and Jesus' day, they spoke in "symbolic" words, that all the people of that land understood. Let me give you an example of what I am saying. Today, in my country we use symbolic or slang words to explain things. The legal system, here in the USA are correctly named "police men and police women", but since my parents' day, we changed to another way of talking about the police.....now the police are called, "cops". Everyone here, knows what "cops" mean. BUT a hundred years from now, each generation will change "cops" into another way of saying it. Well, it is the same with the words, symbolic words, that were used in Jesus' day. Also in that time, they spoke of "angels". When WE hear the word "angel" we immediately think of creatures with wings, etc. But, if you study out the word "angel", you will find that "angel" means "a messenger; a teacher; a protector, a helper, ones with a message, etc. Ministers are angels. If you read in the Book of Revelation , chapter 1:20, it says, ".....the seven stars are the ANGELS of the seven churches....". NOW, we know that WE ARE THE CHURCH. The buildings that we meet in, is NOT THE CHURCH, they are the "meeting places, that we go to. Think of this; stars is a symbolic word, meaning LIGHT. So what it is really giving understandig to us, is that when the "church" speaks (teachers, preachers, pastors etc.) they are to speak in LIGHT (understanding given by the Holy Spirit). We have gotten TRUTH mixed up with "religion". God does not want us to be religious, He wants us to speak HIS TRUTH. Religion IS NOT OF GOD! Think of all the different denominations there are today. Thousands of them and each with a different "teaching or doctrines. Do we honestly believe that God has different doctrines, each one contradicting the other doctrine? No. He has ONE TRUTH, and that MUST come from the Spirit, and this is what He wants of us. You are not a religious person, you are a Truth giver.


Another difference is, in Moses' day, is a word that all of us have changed, and that word is "temple". When we get ready to go to church, we don't say, "I am going to the temple", we now say, "I am going to the church". So we have to study to find out how they talked in Jesus' day, and understand how we would say it today. We don't go to CHURCH, we ARE His Chruch, and when we go to a meeting, we ARE TAKING THE CHURCH TO THE MEETING. A temple, to us today, is WHERE GOD LIVES and we are that Temple, not made with hands.


# two: when the Holy Spirit gives you understanding to something, it is usually hard to put into language that other's would understand. An example of this is , remember when Paul said,"I went into the third heaven , but I couldn't utter the things I was told". And in the book of Daniel, Daniel said that he had heard things by the Spirit but he could not understand what the things were. And Daniel was told to write it down, and that it was not time for the things to be understood, but in the end days, they would be made understood. Well this is why we must do much praying (or calling forth) and studying the words of the bible. One reason is because as the original words of the bible were translated into different languages, the translators changed some words, so we are not receiving what was written in the original writting of the bible. The translators even NUMBERED chapters and verses. In the original writting of the bible, it was not written in book form, it was written like we would write a letter to someone, no verse numbers, no chapters, but instead it was written like a letter to someone. I say this because I want to show you why we must study to find the truth as it was originallly written. Think on this: WE are written epistles. People READ us daily.


So here in Genesis 1:27, let us study out the words.


"So God created;" I want us to look at this word "God". First of all, the word "GOD" is a word that man named our God. MAN has given MANY names to describe "God". Man gave Him the name "El Shadiah" which means "the great breasted One". That simply meant, "the One who nourishes". Man gave Him the name "El Elyon" which means "Most High God". These are just two names that MAN has given God.


Now here in Genesis one, the word for God is "Eloheim" . Looking up this word, we find that the word "Eloheim" means "PLURAL GOD". Notice, it IS NOT PLURAL GODS . It does not mean more Gods, it mean plural of God, God created plural of Himself. So in verse 26 and verse 26 of chapter one, it means, "So Plural God created man..." If we were brought forth, out of God, IN HIS IMAGE, and IN HIS LIKENESS, and as we are told in John 1:16, of His fullness have we all received, then we are EVERYTHING that He is , I don't mean that each of us is a separate "God", no. I mean that we are ONE IN HIM (not One WITH Him, but One IN HIM), "with" would mean more than one, there is not more than One of Him, there is just Him. We are His Reflections. When we look at each other, we are looking at God/Eloheim. We don't REMEMBER ever being as He is, but we will remember. And we will get into this more deeply as we go along with this study.


"God created". This word "created" means that God BEGOT. He begot man. He begot man out from within Himself. Man was in God before man ever became a flesh person. ALL OF US, all of everyone that has ever lived had our beginning IN GOD. And then God begot or brought forth out of Himself, man. This word "man" means "all of mankind". Right now, I want us to look at what we are told in the bible about what God is. As we find this out, I want you to keep in mind, that mankind WAS IN GOD, man was what God was, because man was not brought forth out of God UNTIL God brought him out. That means that anything that God was, man was the same thing. Man was the likeness and image of God. Man was created or begotten out of the very SUBSTANCE of God. And we were brought forth out of Him, AS HIS IMAGE, no one else's image. Not Jesus' image, not our earthly Mom and Dads image, but we were brought forth in GOD'S/ELOHEIM'S IMAGE. WE are even named Eloheim. Why? Weare His plural We will see this later, too.l


Before we look at all that God was, I want to show you how much a part of God man was and IS.

Exodus 3:13-15 Now keep in mind that this is GOD SPEAKING:


"And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and I shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you:and they shall say to me, What is His name? What shall I say unto them? AND GOD SAID UNTO Moses, I AM THAT I AM; and He said , this is what you shall say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. AND GOD SAID moreover unto Moses, this is what you say unto the children of Israel, The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you; THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER, AND THIS IS MY MEMORIAL UNTO ALL GERERATIONS."


Here God tells ALL OF US what His name is. He even tells us that that will ALWAYS be His name. Generation after generation. Now some say that we can call Him whatever the Spirit leads us to call Him. But, I will declare NOW, IF GOD SAID HIS NAME IS , I AM, WHO ARE WE TO CHANGE IT? And the Spirit will NOT lead us to contradict what God says. I will leave this up to you, what you call Him, as for me, I want to call Him what He calls Himself. Now you say, "well how does that show me how much a part of God, I am"? Well think DEEPLY on this; when you want to say that you are happy, or that you are good, or you are righteous or that you are anything? Think of it, you say, we all say "I AM happy; I AM good; I AM righteous!! His name is our name!! Our name is His name. Does the bible tell us this? Well let's look and see;


Ephesians 3:14-15, "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father, of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom THE WHOLE FAMILY IN HEAVEN AND EARTH IS NAMED." This does not say, "we are Christians", it does not tell us we are named Jesus, no it says that we have HIS NAME, I AM.


Did you know that YOUR name is I AM? Now think about this, YOU were IN GOD before He brought you forth out of Himself. His name is I AM, and now you know what the bible tells you that EVERYONE in heaven and in earth is named I AM. Don't look at yourself and think of yourself the way YOU see yourself, THINK OF YOURSELF THE WAY GOD SAYS YOU ARE!! THIS IS THE FIRST STEP TO SPIRITUAL MATURITY. We have to stop seeing ourselves as WE say how we are and we MUST begin to see ourselves THE WAY GOD SAYS WE ARE. Our natural eyes' seeing and our natural mind's thinking will tell us a lie. A lie that is completely the opposite of what God says. SEEING AND THINKING AS GOD SAYS IS HOW TO RENEW OUR MIND AND BE TRANSFORMED INTO WHAT HE SAYS WE ARE. We MUST remember, "as He is in this present world, so are we". Isn't that what the bible tells us.? It DOES NOT say, "when you die and go to heaven , you will be as He is", no, it says "as He is IN THIS PRESENT WORLD, SO ARE WE'. " Your natural mind AND YOUR PREACHER will say, "how can this be"? "I do wrong things, I say wrong things, how can this be true?" Well, we will see the answer to this question as we continue this study. So let's continue.


"So God (the Plural God) created;" Let's see what we are told about God:

1) God is a Spirit. John 4:24

2) God is love.

3) God is light.

4) God is life.

5) God is all knowing.


There are so many other things that the bible tells us, what God is. But, you can look them up. And KNOW THIS: ANYTHING THAT GOD IS, SO IS THE MAN THAT GOD BROUGHT FOR OUT OF HIMSELF. We are told that we are created in His image and likeness; we are like Him looking into a mirror , when He looks at us, and what HE SEES is HIMSELF. I know that this might be all new to you, but as we go through this study you will begin to see the Truth of it. Be patient, please. And KNOW THIS: you cannot look at the things that you do or say that might seem "ungodly" to you, HE IS NOT INTERESTED IN THE MISTAKES THAT YOU MAKE!! All He is interested is your heart and its intension. (1 Samuel 16:7) Every mistake we make, is for a learning , we are to learn from our mistakes and live what we learn. And KNOW THIS; when you are looking at things in yourself that is "in your thinking, wrong", remember, WHAT YOU GIVE YOUR ATTENTION TO, JUST BECOMES BIGGER. YOU GIVE THAT THING POWER TO BE!! Each thing we learn about ourselves, we learn MORE about God and the image of Him, that we ARE. You will learn more about this, in the next part of this study. We will be looking and FINDING OUT all about the man that God brought forth out of Himself. And I will tell you now, the "church WILL NOT TEACH YOU THIS" and it will warn you to get away from it. But, ask them, "why does the bible say it then"? They will tell you, it is for when you get to heaven. That is an utter LIE and against all that GOD TELLS US ABOUT OURSELVES. WHO will you believe?


Much love. And I call forth understanding to rise from within us to see clearly, God's Plan.


love Linda


It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?
