"Finished....   Part 3

                                What Can WE Do, Because of Who We Are?

There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about Who we are and what we can do. We are constantly being told, "WE can do nothing, only Father can do things that are to be done. We have to rest and wait."   Depending on where you are, in KNOWING WHO you are, this is true for some. But, there is a people who do KNOW who they are, NOT WHO THEY WILL BE. And they ARE DOING MUCH!! (We will get into this in the next part of this study). I want us to take a look at Jesus and us.

Most are WAITING to become Manifested Sons of God. They are WAITING for something that they ALREADY ARE. They keep judging whether or not they are Manifested Sons, by whether or not they are or can do the "greater works".  Which, these "greater works", have absolutely NOTHING to do with determining this truth.   

There are ONLY 2 words that determine if we are Manifested Sons.  Manifested/Sons.

All we have to do is ask 2 questions.
1) Did we move from (manifest) the Spirit world, into the natural world that we now live in? Yes we did unless someone is fooling themselves. (and some are because they are SEEING what the "woman" is telling them. ) We ARE Spirit, but we LIVE in this natural world. That means, WE MANIFESTED from one form to another. (Gen 1:27. John 4:24)

2) Are we sons of God?  Well, I know that I AM and I know EVERYONE else is too. Regardless, whether they know it or not.( Gal4:6, 1John 3:2)

We ARE, not will be, manifested from the spirit form into the flesh form and we are sons of God. What does that make us? Manifested Sons of God.  Don't start saying, " yes , but I can't.... or I'm still.....".  IT DOES NOT MATTER!!  I didn't ask, what you can do, or what you still do, I asked you, "Are you a Manifested Son of God"? I KNOW that in the Spirit, you are sayig "YES, GLORY TO GOD I AM!!"  There's your truth. If you focus on "works" that came out of Jesus, YOU WILL NEVER SEE THIS TRUTH!!!  We are told in the written Word, " Know JESUS no more after the flesh" (2 Cor 5:16, ) The Son didn't do the works, Father did, through the Son. So, don't let any idea of doing great works, cheat you out of knowing who and what you ARE.

Let's look at Father, and Pattern.

IS 45:22, "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else."
IS 46:9, "Remember the former things of old; for I am God and there is none else; I am God and there is none like me."

1 Tim 3:16,  "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; God was manifest in the flesh...."
John 1:14, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, ) full of grace and truth."

Gen. 1:27, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; "
Gal 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, YET NOT I, BUT CHRIST LIVETH..

Acts 17:29, "Forasmuch then as we are the OFFSPRING OF GOD we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and MAN'S DEVICE."

Eph 3:14-16, "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the WHOLE FAMILY in heave AND EARTH is NAMED, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit IN THE INNER MAN----(19)And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that YE might be FILLED WITH ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD."

OK. Do you see the steps here, in the above scriptures?
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Part 3
1) There is ONLY ONE GOD.   This is, was and will always be, and can NEVER CHANGE.
2) That ONE, invisible God, manifested from the spirit realm, and showed Himself, visible, in the natural realm. He lived right here on the natural earth.
3) God created us in His image. He is Spirit, so are we. He came (manifested) in the earth, so did we.
4) We ARE, not will be, the OFFSPRING (Son) of God. And MAN has DEVISED the false knowing that WE can do nothing. MAN HAS!!
5) It IS Christ that is living in these bodies. CHRIST IS LIVING, it's HIS LIFE, not OURS that IS BEING LIVED.
6) WE HAVE the very FULLNESS of God, what He is, what He has always been, WE have the FULLNESS of.
7) And notice, we not only are ONE WITH FATHER, WE HAVE THE SAME NAME!

Now, if it is CHRIST that liveth and not us, how can anyone say that WE (Christ, Father's Life) cannot do anything?  All things are possible through Christ. We are the SAME CHRIST that the man JESUS was. There is only ONE CHRIST. We can speak to our body; we can use the mind that Father gave us, the Christ mind. HOW?  Because the life that is being lived through us, is the HEAD's life, in His Body.

NOW, knowing this, how can ANYONE say, "WE can do nothing."?  IF you are one with Father, WE CAN DO ALL THINGS, because WE HAVE HIS FULLNESS. We just HAVE to believe what He tells us, or believe those that apparently DON"T really have the REVELATION of WHO they are. He is the Head of this Body and they cannot be separated, even with unbelief; it's just that with the unbelief it will not be manifested in and through those who hold the unbelief, here on earth BEFORE they see the grave.  You see, when you are ONE with something, you can't be told apart. Just as it was with Jesus, He was so ONE with Father that people STILL see JESUS AS DOING THE WORKS, when it wasn't the man Jesus doing them, in Jesus' mind He and Father were so united that when Father did something, Jesus was also doing that same work. It wasn't two people working together, it was ONE, FATHER.  And ONCE JESUS HAD DIED, He made it possible THAT WE COULD BE THE SAME, so ONE WITH FATHER, He didn't see it as Him AND Father, it was ONE PERSON, FATHER!  One Head and One Body.

First the natural, then the spiritual;  look at our brain. It sends out commands to our members and when the command reaches the particular member, it appears that that member is doing something. But, it is actually, the brain that makes the body work. ONE. So ONE, that it's automatic.  One doesn't stop and think, "I have to take a breath", no, the brain and the body work so at ONE that it truly IS ONE and the head cannot be separated from the body.

And then HE LEFT SONSHIP and became what and who He had been all the time: Father.

You see, the first 4 books of the NT, was/is actually the OT, still under the Law. But, once He died and made it possible for us to follow the lead or the Pattern that He laid, He RE-TURNED to the position of Fatherhood. It took HIM as Saviour, to lay the Pattern of Sonship, that some will walk into, including being lifted to Fatherhood. Don't misunderstand me, I am NOT saying that those following the Pattern will become God; there is only ONE GOD, but, there will be a people who are lifted to Father Consciousness. And some will remain in Sonship. Just as in the Tabernacle of Moses; many come into the Outer Court and remain there. Then there are those who move on to the Holy Place. BUT, we all know that there is another room. The Holy of Holies.

We'll see more of this in the last part of our study, next week.

to be continued...
Be blessed.