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                             ILLUSION and the MAKING OF GOD's WORD A LIE
                                                    Part 2

We have kept ourselves in this lower realm, simply because we has done more reading of the bible, than the LISTENING to the Voice of our Father. Which, we had to start out that way, but, by now we should have grown from those childhood days. We have allowed things that we've read in the bible become the replacement for His Voice.  Look at the following scripture:

John 14:5-10, "Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?  Jesus saith unto him:"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him".

Now, let me ask you a question; was this before or after Jesus' death,burial and resurrection? It was BEFORE His death, burial and resurrection. At that time no one had received the Spirit of God regenerated in them. So, at that time NO ONE COULD go to the Father, except by going through the man, Jesus. You see, HE WAS the Father, disquished in a flesh body.  BUT, NOW, we have had that Spirit of God regenerated, or awakened in us. We are ONE with Him, so we can all go to Him anytime we want; and we do not have to go through anyone. REMEMBER, the flesh man Jesus IS STILL THE FATHER. IS, WAS and WILL ALWAYS BE. And on top of that, do you want some AWESOME TRUTH? WE ARE TOO!! We are the very atoms of His flesh body, we are WHO He walks through, talks through, and experiences the flesh world.

But, because of religious teachings, we thought it was blasphemy to even entertain the idea that we ARE Him, because of our UNITY with Him. This is part of the illusional THINKING we have been under. Did Father's Spirit give inspiration to the words,
AS HE IS, SO ARE YOU IN THIS WORLD"? Yes indeed. So, are you anyone that you can call Him a liar? We don't have 2 Fathers. There is NOT 2 Fathers or 2 Gods. There is only ONE, and His name is Jesus. Get it into yourself, "as He is so are you in this world". That is Father's thought, make it yours.

GOD, our Father created us as IT PLEASED HIM, HIS IMAGE. Yes, we have been being awakened to our true self. We started out thinking we had been forgiven. Then we grew to know that there is NO SIN. Then we believed Him when He said that we are  the SON of the most high GOD. Then, we were awakened to the fact that the Father and the Son are in each other, making not TWO, but ONE!!  When Father walked the earth in His disquise as a mortal man, HE made sure that HE told us,
"The Father and the Son are ONE."

We receive knowledge first; and then revelation comes; and then it becomes a realness in us. But, this is where we stopped. FEAR!! Fear that man will think that we are New Agers; or that we are trying to take His place; or a cult. Regardless of what they have thought of us, their thinking DOES NOT change the fact of His Truth!! And NOW, He is saying,
"NOW I AM doing away with the illusional thinking. NOW I AM showing MYSELF through YOU."

I didn't realize it, several years ago, that Father was preparing me for this very time. When He sang a song to me, ABOUT ME:
When you see me, you've seen the Father
                                  And when I speak, you'be heard His Voice
                                  He's given me His love and glory
                                  And now proclaims, "Rejoice, My Son, rejoice"
                                  And when I walk, you've seen His footsteps
                                  I am to follow the path that He has lain
                                  I am to see Him in all my daily movements
                                  I am to see HIM in EVERYTHING.

At that time, I saw myself as a Son. But, as growth came, I NOW see me as ONE WITH HIM.                 

Up until now, we have learned that the diseases that ran in our family, passes right on down to us. If our family has had heart attacks, we are told, "it runs in the family". If we had strict Baptist folks, who thought that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is of the Devil, we believed it. Even though we have learned better, some of us STILL hold on to some of those old religous beliefs, and USE THEM as excuses for why we do what we do.  This is another part of the illusion.

Psalm 16:5, "The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup".

Our heritance IS NOT in our earthly family.Oour inherirance is in our Father, with which we are ONE!! The illusion trys to tell us differently, and when we partake of it, we manifest the evidence of it.  People get really upset when I say things like this, because the Spirit within them is saying to them, "this is true, this is true", but they allow condemnation to come upon themselves because they HAVE NOT KNOWN THIS before, some disease has ravished their body or the body of their children. Guilt is a fruit of FEAR! Let the truth come alive and teach your children that NOTHING that you had, has one drop of anything to do with WHO THEY REALLY ARE. Didn't Jesus cure even leprosy? KNOWING WHO we are can cure any of the fruits of the ILLUSION!!  It's not work, just meditate on Father's Truths all the time. We can meditate on them, when we are washing dishes; when we're driving; when we are at work; when we are just sitting around. We make such a big deal out of our LOOOOONG prayers. Our prayers SHOULD BE, our prophesying Father's truths, not ASKING Him to do something that He has already DONE!!  We need to awaken from this religeous ILLUSION that we've been in. Does disease reign in Christ? NO!! Well, think and meditate on it,
"it is no longer I that live, but CHRIST" Christ is God's anointing, His Life. Can you see the illusion of natural thinking?

There should be no shame for not knowing what we are being aware of now. The shame is NOT BELIEVING NOW!  John told us that Jesus took the sin of the world. That means NO MORE SIN. What DID sin produce? DEATH! So why are we still believing that we have to die? UNBELIEF!  We ARE FREE FROM SIN, and yet folks get upset when you tell them this! It's like they DEPEND ON SIN to have a cover up for not believing. I know this is hard folks, but it is true. When the written Word tells us, "HE cleansed you; purified you, made you HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS", what do these folks turn right around and say, "I AM A SINNER". So, that's what they are, because they are living the illusion of the carnal mind.

"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin{a for sin: or, by a sacrifice for sin}, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit"

Even after reading this, they will argue that they are sinners, not worthy, unclean, unpure. ILLUSIONAL THINKING. This kind of thinking makes them FEEL more religeous, and that's just what they are, religeous, but religion is not Godly.

In the book of Colossians, in chapter 6, we are shown an illustration of how growth should come to be.
"Children, parents, masters". This is how we should grow.  We start out as children, reading, studying, listening to our church people. Then Father awakens us and we are raised up higher. We begin to leave childhood. There is a sweet young lady, in Canada, who calls me her "spiritual Mom". My job is to share with her what Father shows me. IF she pays attention, (and she does), she begins to tell you, "Mom, this and this happened today, and I remembered what you said. This is parenting. Then one day she says, "Mom, I am helping this one or that one understand Father's Word and how to end some troubles in their lives. She is on her way to being MASTER. Being ONE with her Father, placing her DEPENDANCE in HIM. And it brings more joy to you, than when you first believed! Why? Because you are SEEING Father's HAND, HER, reaching to love and help others, AS HE LEADS HER.  She and her husband even went to a home of a mother and daughter who said they were being harassed by "spirits". They simplly spoke Father's Word. This is growth. They TOOK DOMINION over the "spirits", they SHOWED FATHER TO THIS WOMAN AND HER DAUGHTER! The woman may not know that she just SAW FATHER, but the harassers KNEW IT. This IS DIVINE LIFE!! Nothing religeous about it, just BEING WHO THEY ARE.

God created this world to be inhabited. And it will be inhabited by ONLY HIM. We are to be as Jesus was. He was in the world, seen, heard, felt, and yet He was NOT OF OR LIKE the world. He saw and intermingled with BOTH, the visible and the invisible. When He spoke to Lazarus, HE WAS HEARD by Lazarus. He was SEEN by Lazarus. The very spirit of DEATH HEARD HIM. You see, even the decay of this world obeyd Him and came together as Lazarus was before he died. The thought that this world is just and illusion is folly. But, Father is destroying the ILLUSION of what how we've SEEN this world. He told us, that the kingdoms of this   world are to become HIS kingdom. Don't think for a minute that this world is just and illusion. He told us that this world is to be inhabited and even called it
"WORLD WITHOUT END!" The only thing that is going to change is our ILLUSIONAL THINKING ABOUT IT.

The perfect man HAS COME. And we can behold him, and see him and be him, when we stop the illusional thinking. We have received HIS FULLNESS! That's what Father told us. But, the illusional thinking tells us that WE can do nothing. Disease CAN kill us. Folks, we ARE the very SPIRIT of (out from within) of God. WHO HAS THE POWER, HIM or those other things. IF we spent as much time telling HIS TRUTHS to us, as we do trying to see if our body is showing symtoms, or looking for sin in ourselves and in others, we would SEE and EXPERIENCE the true life of God, that we are.

Haven't we been told,Then why can't we believe it?
"you are epistles", "you are the light of the world", "as He is so are you"? Because we have NO RESPONSIBILTY of anything, if we ignore these truths.

We have also been told that the visible and invisible, the natural and the Spirit, cannot intertwine. Let me ask you something. When Jesus prayed, did His prayers get answered? They sure did. Well, He prayed, "
thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven". Sounds like to me, that He was calling forth a UNITING of both worlds. Only it was to be ruled by the Spirit. When He said that "flesh and blood could not enter heaven" , I believe that He was speaking of our thinking. As long as we think with the flesh, the illusional thinking, that we could not enter into our HEAVEN. Our Spiritual way of thinking. You see when we are thinking out of our heavenlies, what we see is a different picture than what we see when thinking with the carnal, illusional thinking.

This world is REAL. What is not real is the way we look at it, through natural thinking. When He said,
"the Kingdom of God comes without observation" He did not mean we would not see it, He meant we wouldn't see it as long as we remain in this illusional belief that the carnal mind has fed us.When I behold you, I see HIM in HIS KINGDOM. When I beheld the mountians in Las Vegas, I beheld His world, His Handywork. Because I was in the Spirit as I beheld them.  

We must rid ourselves of this illusional thinking that we have lived in death in. We must see things as Father sees them. We ARE as He IS, and we must know and appreciate, and BE what we truely ARE.

There will be at least one more part of this, so until then, block the ILLUSION and live in the reality that Father has been showing us.

Be blessed.


It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?