Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Genesis Studies #7 2/20/09




More changes have occurred in the last l00 years than in all the rest of history. What is even more astounding is that in the next 10 years we will undergo more changes than those of the last Century! The graphs used to chart the rising of our changing world, which in the past have been on a gentle upward curve, are now drastically curving up into a vertical line. One thing we can all count on in the days ahead is a continued acceleration of these shifts and changes!


In order to cope with these changes we must be able to let go of many of our perceptions of reality, become fluid, and willing to continually adjust our lives and our consciousness.


Look around you: the world we have known is altering! And because of this some people are unsure and afraid of the future. Others are calling this global upheaval the start of a Golden Era. Where do we stand? And what should we be doing to raise our own awareness and enter into the flow of this next era in humanity, which I agree will be a ‘Golden Era’ as revealed in Scripture.


Gold is a picture of Divinity. The Ark of the Covenant in The Most Holy Place was made of shittim wood encased with gold inside and out. It was a picture of our humanity enclosed in Divinity. In the book of Revelation it speaks about elders with crowns of gold on their heads. This symbolizes a mind in unity, as God. The New Jerusalem is pure gold with street of gold. What a beautiful picture of awakening to our God consciousness with all streets, representing thoughts, flowing from the purity of Divine nature! We are entering a time when humanity is awakening to its Divine origin and power. We must become use to the fact that the entire bible is but a parable showing us, our True Identity. WE are the ark; WE are Holy Jerusalem; OUR walk is the golden street.


At this time we are being called to join a harmonious flow of energy with our Divine nature. In the book of Hebrews it revealed many Israelites could not enter into the Promised Land because they could not transform their mentality of slavery and bondage into one of freedom. They could not make the shift because they were too set in an old belief system. They could not ascend! Remember, I have been talking about the renewing of our minds? This renewing is leaving the OLD, MAN MADE religious way of thinking and to ascend to the thoughts of God.


It also says in Hebrews that we must labor to enter the rest. It has always seemed strange to me, "to labor for a rest". Only now do I fully understand this labor. The labor we must be about, is spiritual. It is part of the transformation process Jesus taught which included meditation and prayer. I have written many times how Jesus was teaching meditation when he told his disciples when they prayed to enter their closet and shut the door. Prayer is aligning our mind with the mind of God. In order to do this we must enter into our hallowed space or sacred inner supply and close the door on the physical realm and who we think our self to be. It is only here we are able to tap into our true Being, the spiritual voice within, and the language of Divinity which will guide and direct our life. And there, we no longer ASK for things, WE CALL THINGS INTO BEING, AS HIM.


If you remember, I told you earlier that "Christ", was not Jesus' name, it described what He was. Christ means "anointing". And the anointing is simply God's LIFE flowing through a person. By following the meaning of the word "Christ" back to its root we understand it to mean the ‘channel of Divinity’. So within you dwells a channel of Divine wisdom, creativity, and answers to all of the world’s seeming problems. We are the ones we have been waiting for! During this great transition doors are open for us to access this channel of sacred language, communication, and begin flowing in holistic knowledge as never before! And PLEASE do not let the word "channel" , throw you. It is not a New Age thing. Remember the scriptures that I gave showing the "secrets" that have been hidden since the foundation oof the world, this is what we are seeing and hearing NOW. We are being transformed into our TRUE IDENTIY.


We are awakening for the purpose of raising the consciousness of humanity, empowering people to heal physically and emotionally, and to enlighten themselves and others so all of us are able to go through this wonderful transition.


What tools have we been given which can help us tap into this spiritual language and have direct communication with God? (John 1:16) Let’s allow the physical realm to reveal the spiritual for us.


All around you at this moment are frequencies which you cannot hear. These frequencies can be interpreted and heard by tuning into a radio channel. Many times there is static and the channel must be fine-turned in order to hear and understand clearly. This is also true for us to tune into the spiritual channel of The Christ (God's Life, in us) which interprets spiritual truth and wisdom. We must learn to fine-tune our spiritual ears. Remember Christ said, "If you have eyes to see. . . if you have ears to hear. . ." He was not talking about physical eyes and ears; he was referring to a spiritual realm. Every problem we encounter in a physical realm has spiritual meanings. When the channel within us opens and begins to communicate with spirit, what will flow through is Divine wisdom enabling our new man (because our old man is dead) to rise up. As we fine-tune more and more, the miraculous will touch every part of our lives. AND others' lives, because this is not just about US, WE are about thinking of others, first.


A beautiful focused meditation I have learned about which was practiced before and during Jesus’ life goes back to the principle he taught Nicodemus about being "born again." These misunderstood "born again" scriptures have been used to mark a line of separation between people for too long. What was Jesus really speaking about? What was he encouraging Nicodemus to do? Did he want him to recite the sinner’s prayer . . . do we see Jesus leading him in such a prayer? Could it be that Jesus was directing Nicodemus back to Genesis and where he was before the beginning of the world? Through Jesus’ words, in Aramaic, we are able to see a much deeper meaning in these scriptures.


Ecc. 1:9 teaches the universal law of circularity: "The thing that hath been is that which shall be and that which is done is that which shall be done and there is no new thing under the sun." To know where we are going we must know where we came from because everything is in a flow of circularity and goes back to where it started. It also brings to light man’s dilemma in Verse 11: "There is no remembrance of former things. . ." The word "former" means; "first in place that were before time." We enter this earthen realm and quickly forget where we were before earth’s beginning or before we entered time, space, and matter.


The beautiful answer to this puzzle begins to take form in the book of Job. God asks Job where he was when the foundation of the world was laid, when the morning starts sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy. What jumps out in this verse, as the foundation was being laid, is that ALL the sons of God were there! This means you and I were there too! The question then arises, what form were we in as the foundation was being put in place?


To receive a deeper understanding, let’s review the Aramaic, Hebrew, and English meanings of the word God. In Aramaic Alaha refers to the Divine and means Sacred Unity, Oneness, the All, the Ultimate Power/Potential, the One with no opposite. It relates to the Hebrew word Eloheim, which has the same root word, EL or AL. Eloheim has a plural ending which can mean, "the One that is also Many" or "Unity in Diversity." We can discern through the Aramaic meaning of Alaha that only one Being exists. In contrast the English word "God" comes from a Germanic root meaning "good." Good is definitely God’s nature but it does not mean nor give us the complete picture of Unity and Oneness. So from the Aramaic, which was the spoken language of Jesus, it suggests that there is only One Being and all other Beings came from that same substance. Our Bible tells us God is Spirit, meaning "breath" in Aramaic!


Another translation of John 4:24 from the Aramaic could be: "All that breathes resides in the Only Being." So there we were in our Spiritual form of Sacred Unity and joy as the foundation of the earth was laid! It is a good idea to search out all the different translations of the scriptures. And think on this: we were IN GOD, looking down (earthward) and watched all that Moses, Abraham, Job, Samuel, and ALL those old patriots were doing!! Isn't it awesome?


In verse one of Job the Lord answered him out of a whirlwind. A whirlwind is an illustration of being caught up into God, consumed by Divinity, and hearing the voice within. Wind is translated Spirit. What is being presented is a picture of a spiritual breath which took Job into higher consciousness. It is here he begins to be brought into remembrance of where he was when the foundation of the earth was laid. He began to awaken to his existence before his incarnation into this earthen realm.


In the book of John Jesus said; "Glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had before the world was." In essence he was asking to be fully aware and taken back to his sacred Unity, Oneness, Power and Glory of Being, before his incarnation. Or in other words, to remember Who and What he was in the beginning of God's Plan.


From here let’s return to the teaching Jesus was giving Nicodemus that has been labeled "Born Again." During Jesus’ time , there was a Jewish mystical practice which involved remembering and re-experiencing the story of creation within one’s own being. It was a focused meditation using the breath to take one back to the remembrance of the perfection of his own Being. In the book of John it says "In the beginning was the word" ,pointing us to Jesus as the archetype of perfection present in the beginning. In the Peshitta (Aramaic) version of John 1:1 "In the beginning" corresponds to the Hebrew words used in Genesis 1:1 and to the Aramaic speaking Jew, it signaled a connection to the story of creation. In Genesis it tells us "darkness was upon the face of the deep and God spoke light into existence." In this verse we have the "Word" or the perfection, present speaking creation and light into existence. Jesus was telling Nicodemus he could experience this process by returning and awakening to his real beginning.


The words "born again", in Aramaic, are "min d’ rish’ and mean to "be born from the beginning." Jesus was instructing Nicodemus how to experience a shift in consciousness so he could see from the unchangeable spiritual realm, within himself.


"Except a man be born of the water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." Now WHERE was the KINGDOM OF GOD? It IS, WITHIN US! He was encouraging him to return to where he was as the foundation of matter was being laid and remember he was a Spiritual Eternal Being.


Today each of us is being called to awaken and "be born from the beginning." Through spiritual stillness, focused meditation and using our sacred breath we are able to awaken our awareness of our eternal unity with the Spirit of Oneness, the All and Ultimate Power and Potential of the One with no opposite! We too can be brought into remembrance of shouting for joy as this plan began! We can consider our part in the creation and why we have incarnated at this time into the history of the world.


These Truths, that we are learning will enable us to go through the huge shifts and changes that the world is now experiencing. We will no longer be bound by the world of appearances but will know we are eternal beings, here to bring light out of great darkness once again! We will remember our part in the creation and know we are here for great purpose!

In one of the Gospels which were not included in the Bible called the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus seems to be teaching this very principle to his own disciples:


"The disciples said to Jesus: Tell us how our end will be. Jesus said: Have you then discovered the beginning so that you inquire about the end? For where the beginning is, there shall the end be also. Blessed is he who shall stand at the beginning, and he shall know the end, and he shall not taste death."


Remember the teaching that I sent you on "us, not having to die?". There is a people who will not see death.


In the days ahead allow yourself time for spiritual practice. Let your Spirit help you, as you seek the Kingdom, first thing each day through meditation and aligning your mind with the mind of Eloheim. Allow your spiritual breath to begin to bring you into remembrance; you were undeniably there before the world of appearances was created and you too can be "born from the beginning" and not taste death!


Blessings and love, Linda



It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?
