Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

GENESIS Study #9


The Garden of Eden (con't)


This word "planted"; in the Hebrew language is: nata, pronounced "naw-tah" and it means; to strike in, to fix in, to fasten. In the natural, when we are studing or trying to learn something, WHERE DO WE FIX, or STRIKE or FASTEN a thing to? TO OUR MIND. We study, we seek, and as we go along we FIX a thing into our mind. We FASTEN a thing to our mind , so that we will remember that thing. We STRIKE that thing in to our mind. Therefore, we PLANT a thing that we consider "truth" into our mind.


We know that in the New Testement, we are told, "YOU are the temple of God.". And, "the Kingdom of God IS WITHIN YOU." And, has not man hunted the Garden of Eden for over 2000 years? Can we not see that the WHOLE BIBLE is exactly the way Jesus taught? He taught in PARABLES! The bible is OUR PARABLE to come to understand the real meaning of what is being told to us. We were told that there were things that were hidden since the foundation of the world. Well, they are being revealed to us now. We confess that we believe the bible, and yet do we really believe things, in the bible, like;


1) "ye are epistles...." 2Cor. 3:3 What do we do with epistles? We read them. People read US!!! They learn from us.


2) "ye are the light of the world." What does lights do? They produce LIGHT. They bring people out of the darkness. When they see US with Spiritual eyes they see HIM.


3) "As He is in this world, SO ARE WE." 1John 4:17 Where did we come from? From out of Him. What are we made of? HIS SUBSTANCE. Remember, our body IS NOT US, it is the vichle we use to be seen in.


4) "WE have received His fullness". John 1:16 What is His fullness? It is EVERYTHING that He is and EVERYTHING that He has. We have not believed this, because we were not taught this. We were taught by people not allowing the Spirit to speak through them.


5) "WE know ALL THINGS." 1John 2:20 You see, when He filled us with His fullness, that means we even received HIS MIND. He wrote His words on our heart (mind). We are told that we HAVE the mind of Christ. We haven't believed it, so we never used it.


6) "we know that WE are of God". 1John 5:19 Remember what that word "of " means? It means "out from within". We are out from within God. We are HIS PLURALNESS.


Ask yourself, "do I believe these things?". If not, you are not believing HIM. You see, we have allowed MAN to PLANT in our Garden. (fix or fasten things into our mind). The Garden IS OUR MIND. NOW, we are doing the PLANTING. Our Garden is our mind. The Garden is NOT a literal place. Literal things and places are IN THE EARTH REALM. We are "as He is", which is SPIRIT. The SAME SPIRIT that He is. Our Garden is in our Spiritual Mind.


I want to show you a parable that is really saying these very same things, but we have to see it in the Spirit, to understand it.


MT 13:24-30, "The Kingdon of heaven is like a man (this man is the man that God created in Gen. 1) that sowed (planted) good seed in his field.(garden), but while he slept (remember , the Lord God caused a deep sleep to come upon the man that God created), his enemy (the carnal mind) came and sowed (planted) tares (false or misunderstood teachings) among the wheat (the Truth that feeds us facts about Who we are) and wnt his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, the tares also appeared. (when we came to this earthen realm, we began thinking with the natural carnal mind, instead of the Mind of Christ, so we have been mixed with truth and things that are not truths, and what we believed, is what we appear to be now, a human, with no Christ Mind.) So the servants of the owner (God) came and said to him, "Sir, did you not sow (plant) good seed in your field? (haven't we been crying out for 2000 yrs, "why can't I be what God wants me to be?") How then does it have tares? He said to them, "an enemy has done this". (we have been taught that the "devil" made us do things, but the enemy is the carnal mind). The servants said to him, "do you want us to go and gather them up?" (this is RELIGION WORKS. We have been taught that IF we go to church every Sunday, it will fix things for us. We have been taught that IF we give our money to the churches, instead of where we really get fed, it will fix things for us. IF we keep doing what the church teaches us, it will fix things for us. ) He replied to them, "No, because while you gather up the tares you will also uproot the wheat with them. Let them grow TOGETHER UNTIL the time of the harvest, and at the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, first gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into MY barn." Now I know that verses 36-43 explain this parable, but God showed me another revelation of this scripture. Burn!! When we read this, the church has taught us that we will burn in hell IF we do not do as they say to do. But this is not what is being said here at all. First of all, the carnal mind is the enemy. 1Cor. 2:12-16, "Now we have received NOT the spirit of this world, but the Spirit which is of God; (out from with) that we might know the things that are freely given to us of (out from within) God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receives NOT the things of (out from within) the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath know the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST."


Also, let me say here, something about "judging". Judging DOES NOT mean what we have been taught. We are NOT to go around saying, "oh you are sinning" or "you are evil". No, in the original language the bible was written in, judging simply means " correcting, or changing what is wrong to something that is right". God does not judge us (the way the church has taught us,) no, He CHANGES things IN US, by "burning them out of us", spiritually. OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE!! What is not in HIS image, HE changes. And HE IS US. What do we do when we receive a revealation that is different from what the caral has taught us? We wrestle with it; we go through guilt for not believing things our pastor taught us; but in the end, we take that revelation and allow it to become part of us. ALL OF THIS IS BURNING. WE/ELOHIM BURN IT OUT OF OUR MIND. This is what is being done right now, to us. He is showing us TRUTH that is changing our thinking into the exact way HE thinks. Have you ever noticed that there are people, that when you come around you, they treat you badly? Do you know why this is? It is because YOU ARE A CONSUMING FIRE, and you "burn" them, their consciousness!! The religious world has "IMAGINED" what is right and what is wrong. Remember we are the IMAGE of God. (Gen 1:26). This is where the word "imagine" comes from, IMAGE. By NOT using the Mind of Christ, which we DO HAVE, we allowed the carnal mind to do its "image-ing" of what God wants. And the carnal mind is the enemy of God. Can you see how easy this is to see, now? And judging the way the church has taught us, is for babes. We LEARN that we cannot LOVE and JUDGE at the same time. And God does not judge, at least not the way we were taught that judging is. We ARE to judge, but remember what judging means, CORRECTING WHAT IS INCORRECT.



When God manifested Himself as the man Jesus, (1Tim 3:16) , as the man Jesus, He was not concerned about the physical realm. His thoughts were always on what His Father said or did. Never did He express any fear or hate towards anyone. That is because He never let His carnal mind interfere with His relationship with His Father. Now, it might sound strange to say that Jesus had a carnal mind, but He DID, but He controled it, He took every thought captive. An example of this is when Jesus said, "Father let this cup pass from me." Which meant that His carnal mind started to work when He thought about dieing on the cross. But, He took that thought captive and said, "BUT YOUR WILL BE DONE". He changed that thought and began to think AGAIN as the Father thought. In His carnal mind, He saw illness; desease; death of others, but HE CHANGED ALL OF THOSE THINGS. This is what we called "healed people". He simply saw them as God saw them, and those thoughts manifested. Oh, we are so blessed to be starting to see these things as they were meant for us to see them!!


This is what we must do. We are in a process of learning to BE WHO WE REALLY ARE. We are NOT one WITH God, we are ONE IN GOD. There is a big difference in "with" and "in". "With" means more than one. "In" means the exact thing that He is. It is NOT us AND God, it is HIM LIVING HIS LIFE THROUGH US, HIS PLURAL ELOHEIM. Hallilujah!!! His Self!!!


Now back to that parable. Jesus never allowed the things of the natural to bother Him. He did what He heard His Father say, and did what He saw His Father do. After all, Father knows best!! This is why Jesus always spoke in parables. So those who had received the ability to HEAR would hear, but not the ones who were not ready to hear yet. It is still the same way. Some of us hear and will receive more than others at different times. The more we THINK on Him, God, the more we will think LIKE HIM. The more we THINK LIKE HIM, the more HE IS BEING SEEN. Remember, "as a man thinketh, so is he".


Back to the parable; I am the field or garden that a good seed was planted. We all are. We are FULL of that good seed. (the seed being the Truth of What God is revealing of the Kingdom, and the tares being the words of the world or man's teachings. The "enemy" that sowed or planted the tares (untruths) was our own carnal thoughts, which led to the lifestyle, habits that we learned from the world or man, in our upbringing. The harvest is now sprouting. And the sprout or plant or harvest will either manifest more of THIS WORLD, or our True Identity in Him. When we accepted Jesus as our Saviour, THAT IS WHEN THE FIRE STARTED BURNING US!!! I don't know about you, but when I accepted Jesus as my Savious, I thought "oh boy, everything is going to go right for me now!!" Boy was I wrong. You see God had to burn out of me, all that the world had put in me. Then I started going to church all the time and it seemed things would go right for a while, then all hell would break loose. I'd cuss, I'd get mad, I'd wanted to get even with people who didn't agree with me, I wanted to go back to the streets, but THAT FIRE KEPT ME and taught me. Little by little I began to see a change taking place in my thinking. That BURNING was HIM changing my thoughts to HIS THOUGHTS. And the more I heard Him, the more I wanted to know. He made me to know that when I made a mistake, I WAS NOT TO FEEL GUILTY!! Why? Because it was Him teaching me and HE directed my footsteps, even to the mistakes that I made. How was I to learn if I didn't make mistakes? And IN GOD THERE IS NO GUILT!! When I stumbled, He just said, "get up Linda, and try again, all this stumbling was for a learning". He is leading us BACK to where we started IN HIM. Isn't He wonderful?? The learning has been well worth the "burning".


The tares are being burned in us all, and destroyed as all that offends Him is being burned out by His "fire". His fire is VERY effective. And look at verse 43, "then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of the Father". We are awakening to What and Who He brought us forth as from within His very Being. And we CANNOT judge others, who has not or is not learning what we are learning. Their time will come to. But FIRST, His FIRSTFRUITS must be shown. WE HAVE WALKED AS A SON (NOW, are ye sons of God), but we do not stop there. We follow the pattern that God laid for us. We LEAVE SONSHIP, and go forward, saying the same thing that Jesus said, "AND NOW, O Father, glorify me, WITH THINE OWN SELF, with the glory that I had with (this word should be "IN" you BEFOREN THE WORLD WAS!!!"


The Garden is not a literal place. And I will tell you a secret, it is UP TO YOU WHAT YOU ALLOW IN YOUR GARDEN!! The Garden of Eden is our mind. This is where "in the cool of the day, He talks with us". We will either use the Spiritual Christ Mind or we will use the natural carnal mind.


Look at Gen. 2

Gen 2:15-17, "And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. (this shows us, right here, that WE are the one who is going to renew our mind or not. HE is not going to do it, HE FINISHED HIS WORK, remember? look at Gen 2:2-3. He intended and planned for us to use HIS mind and we are the one responsible for this renewing. Even our salvation, what does the bible say? "YOU work out YOUR OWN salvation..." He would not tell us this if He knew that we could not do it. HE gave us all that we need to renew our mind and to work out our own salvation. He gave us HIS FULLNESS!! This renewing is part of His plan and He knows that we WILL do it as WE HEAR HIS VOICE. Do you think that He would tell us to "dress and keep the garden" , if He thought we could not? No, we are awakening to His Voice and we are recognizing it, as our own Spiritual mind.


ok, back to verse 16, And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, or every tree of the garden thou may freely eat; BUT, of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof, THOU SHALT SURELY DIE." Now, stop and think. Does God lie? No, He doesn't. Now, ask yourself, did Adam die that day the he and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? No they did not. They were put out of the Garden. What the Lord God meant here was this; the day that you eat of that tree, you will enter a place (the natural, physical world) and not use the Mind of Christ. You will be walking in a death realm. You see, the natural realm is the ONLY PLACE that has DEATH in it. Now, this is a parable also. When you think of flesh, what do you think?. You think "eventually, this flesh will see death". There is no death in the Spiritual realm. Adam stopped walking in the Spiritual realm and began walking in the flesh realm. He no longer thought like God. He no longer believed He was ONE IN GOD. He began thinking that he was a flesh and blood man and sooner or later, death would take him. And so it has been ever since. But, then God manifested as the man Jesus and what did He do to death?


Heb 2:14-15," Foras much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might DESTROY him that had the power of death, that is, the devil." Now you know WHO or WHAT was the devil, the carnal mind. He destroyed it, but we just kept on living in this illusion as though we don't have the Mind of Christ. And what else did He do? "verse 15, "And DELIVER THEM WHO THROUGH FEAR OF DEATH WERE ALL THEIR LIFETIME SUBJECT TO BONDAGE". We have believed that we HAD TO SEE DEATH, but we are told CLEARLY, here, that HE DESTROYED the one who had the power of death. Do you see here, who it says had the power of death? Was it God? NO!! It says that "the devile had the power of death". God cannot have the power of death, because there is no death in Him. The carnal mind was the devil and do you know why it so much power, that it could produce death? Because the power of God that He gave to us, went behind the thoughts and words of the carnal mind. Now our thinking is changing. Now even scientist are saying that we are expected to live to be 120 yrs old!! But, God says that we NEVER have to see death. He tasted death for all of us. As we think, so are we. It tells us that the last enemy to beat, is death. It is manifesting NOW. I should have died, according to the doctors, 2 weeks ago, but I didn't. I know it because my Mind is changing, being renewed and BELIEVING what He tells us. WE MUST RENEW OUR MINDS, THEN, we are transformed BACK to our true BEING. This is a glorious life. It is HIS LIFE.


So watch for what YOU allow in your Garden. Change your thinking. Accept the truth of Who You are. Don't worry about what others will say about you. As I said before, their time to know this will come too, either here on earth or after they pass into the invisible realm.


Til the next study, change your mind. Love Linda.



"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are ONE IN God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Quote of Marianne Willimson

I love the adventure that we are- that I AM!


It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?
