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Most of you have heard most of this from me before. But, I have learned or remembered much more, since the writtings I have sent out before. As most of you also know, I am no longer in RELIGION. Have I stopped believing in God? No, not at all. Have I given up the bible? Pretty much. I could give scripture for what I write, but honestly, I had rather , not only me, but also YOU, to begin to gather our Truth from WITHIN OURSELVES. I also would love for everyone to study out the bible. Not the scriptures, but the bible; the writting of it; WHO wrote it; WHO paid the ones who did write it; and WHY was it written. I am not saying that ALL of the bible wasn't inspired by God, but NOT ALL OF IT WAS! I believe that the Plan had this part of our discerning of this, and our learning to go only within to find what we are seeking for. This is why I depend on that BEING that I AM, within this body that is called Linda. This body IS NOT WHO I AM. IF it was , then when this body dies, that would mean that that's the end. But it isn't, when the body dies, we simply continue on, on our journey BACK to the BEING the BEING THAT WE REALLY ARE. I wanted to say this for those who are new to my email list, and are finding that something just isn't there. That are tired of hearing the same thing being taught, and yet, seeing NO MANIFESTATION of what they are being taught by RELIGION. So let's continue.


As I said in part one, we ARE the BEING that God looked at after bringing us forth, just as HE IS, and saying, "God saw EVERY THING that He had made , and, behold IT WAS VERY GOOD". Now I ask you, is the God that you know capable of making ANYTHING that is not good? Is the God that made us capable of creating evil? Is the God that made us capable of losing ONE SINGLE PERSON TO A PLACE CALLED "HELL"? I will tell you right now, the answer to all of these questions is A DEFINITE NO!!!! Many ask, well then where did evil come from? Why does the bible tell us of some of the most terrible acts that was TAUGHT TO US, that GOD DID IT? And as we go along we'll see the answers to these questions. And you will find that RELIGION HAS BEEN OUR GREATEST ENEMY; IT IS RELIGION THAT HAS LIMITED US; it is RELIGION that has and continues to keep us in bondage. NOT GOD, but RELIGION.


Let me say this; when the Plan was set forth by God, WE AGREED TO THAT PLAN BEFORE WE CAME FORTH OUT OF HIM. We were still in the form of SPIRIT. We were within Him. There was no earth, no flesh Beings, ALL that was within Him , was Spirit form. We were/ARE ALL THAT GOD WAS/IS, it can be said that we were/ARE ONE IN HIM. NOT WITH HIM, because the word "with" would mean that there were other BEINGS, besides Him. Look at it like this; IF God did not have evil within Himself, how could He create it? He cannot experience evil. It's just not in Him. So then where did evil come from? Who created it? And why?


We are told in the first chapter of the Book of John, "ALL have receivED His FULLNESS'. Notice, this does not say, "all christians have received" , nor does it say, "all Baptists, Buddists, or Muslims have received". It says ALL. ALL MEANS ALL. There are no exceptions. ALL, EVERYONE , has received. And look closely , it says have receivED. That is PAST TENSE. Not that once we get to "heaven" we will receive His Fullness. We HAVE THAT FULLNESS RIGHT NOW!! But what does RELIGION tell us? "you ARE SINNERS, saved by grace". "Man can do NOTHING". WE HAVE NOT CHANGED WHAT WE REALLY ARE. we are exactly what we were when we came forth, out from within God. The ONLY thing that has changed IS OUR THINKING. WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST, but we have come to believe what RELIGION has taught us. And we became dependent on SOME ELSE TEACHIN US, instead of using the discernment that we have receivED.But again, this changing of our thinking was part of the Plan. It was meant for us to LEARN to DISCERN truth from false teaching. It was to teach us that the ONLY thing we can depend on, for truth, is our INNER BEING. And some refuse to accept anything that is different from what the Pastor of RELIGION tells us. IF something isn't what RELIGION teaches, we are shunned, ridiculed, accused of being different people from RELIGIOUS FOLK. But, those folk don't realize that we ARE ALL ONE. We are all ONE, no matter what dimension of Truth that we are in.


One of our problem we have experienced is when TRUTH speaks to us, such as what I have said, about Who and What we are, we expect it to manifest, like yesterday. Well like I said, we are here to learn. And once we hear a truth, especially if we haven't heard it before, we don't take it within and wait for that truth to grow to a KNOWING within us. I love what the Gosple of Thomas says: " the seeker should not stop until he finds; when he finds, he will be DISTURBED, after having been DISTURBED, he will be ASTONISHED , after being ASTONISHED,he will REIGN over everything." This is exactly what happens as a person awakens from the dream world that religion has held us in. We hear something that is completely different from what religion says, AND WE ARE DISTURBED because it isn't what we have been taught. "Oh no, this can't be true, it's not what Brother or Sister so and so, taught me, so it can't be true."!! Then as we begin to depend on our Inner Being saying, "Yes, it is true", we become astonished. Once we allow it to be OUR TRUTH, then we rule over all the things that religion has told us that we can't do. And not only that, we begin manifesting Who and What we really are. And let me say this, don't start challenging and set a time limit for something you may try to do in order to PROVE Who you are. All we are to do is LISTEN TO THE BEING WITHIN, to do as we hear. We have MUCH MORE to learn and experience before we manifest the FULLNESS of Who we are. We don't have to TRY TO BE DIFFERENT from who we were before we receive Truth. We just BE. All will come forth, out from within us as the Plan was planned.


We are only in the 3rd and 4th dimension and we have many more for us to BE in and learn from the next higher dimension. We must go through every dimension that we came down through, when we came forth out of God. I mean, think about it, how can we manifest ALL KNOWING without EXPERIENCING ALL THINGS IN EVERY DIMENSION? To me, we are in a very exciting "time" of our journey back home, and means being the Creator that we are.



More to come.