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 Part 5

I like to THINK as a child. It seems to make things easyier to think and then allow the seed of that thought to begin growing and blooming. Many things that kids say show me the DEPTH of God, more so than sitting and listening to people stand and teach for hours and hours. I remember one time when my granddaughter feel 3 steps down, from their back door, and was headed for the conrete walkway. Her mother, cried out, and then my little grandson said to her, "Mom, don't worry, the angels will catch her and she won't hurt herself. No sooner had Dalton said that, that Harley hit to ground and sprang up and said "I'm ok Mommie". Now, some would say, "oh that's kids' thinking". Well I say, "Thank God for their thinking!!!!" Harley was headed, FACE DOWN to the cement, and got up without a scratch, and that was from a fall of 3 steps!This may be a childish example, but what it showed me was that the kids were thinking with the God Mind and their Mom was thinking and seeing from the natural mind. The natural mind would say, "oh she's going to burst her nose, or worse , while Dalton and Harley were thinking with the God Mind , AND WERE IN ONENESS OF THINKING.



ONENESS was shown to me in a different way than we were taught in school. Childish, maybe, but it stayed with me. As you know, we were taught in school, that all this creation came about from "THE BIG BANG". This is how I saw it. When there was no-thing, there was God. There was an space, and astroids or something, and one of the astroids bumped into another on and a great explosion took place, and this was the beginning of life, AS WE "KNOW" IT. At least that's MAN'S TEACHING. But, I see it this way: God exploded HIMSELF and all the fine dust, the pieces, of Him scattered out all throughout space. Now imagine, all that find "dust" of Himself, was scattered throughout space. And that was PLURALITY OF HIM, even though it was scattered, it was still pieces of Him. That "fine dust" was us. HIS PLURALITY. And now all of the PLURALITY is working its way back to REJOINING TOGETHER, to ONENESS. This was God's plan. As the pieces rejoin, no matter how long it takes, each piece is bringing back togetherness, it is bringing with it, all of the experiences that each piece experienced, throughout its journey back to ONENESS.



ONENESS isn't as we think of oneness. Everyone agreeing with everyone else. ONENESS is the coming together to show the WHOLE PICTURE. We will/are each experiencing what we agreed to experience before we came out from within God. Each of us may experience different things, in different ways, but, as we experience we are becoming KNOWING. TRUE KNOWING and as that knowing becomes a Truth, it then manifests. We try to explain to each other what we experienced, but it is difficult to put into words. But the more we KNOW, and REJOIN to the ONENESS that is manifesting, we understand, not through words, but through the Spirit that we ARE. We RE-UNITE to that ONENESS. As we reunite, more of the complete picture manifests for all to see. Actually, its the male and female coming back together as it was meant to BE, just like Genesis , chapter one, VERY GOOD. AND the more ALL KNOWING IS COMING FORTH FROM US.



How can we even THINK that such a powerful God planned for us to go through everything that we go through, IF He wanted us to just THINK that He made us so that He would have something to control? IF that is our thinking, we don't KNOW HIM AT ALL. He is not a controller. He is not a punisher. He is not a Father or a Son. How could He be, when there is no such thing as "gender", to Him. He isn't even a "Him, He, Male". It is more like, He is an "ALL", or an "IT". Oh I know, that doesn't sound at all like what "religion" has taught us, we need to realize that "religion" has been our greatest adversity!!! It has/IS, keeping us such heavy bondage, separated, and at war with each other. DARKNESS is what "religion" is.



Look at Genesis 2. It says that THE LORD GOD caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam. Can you find anywhere in the bible tells of that sleep ever coming off of ADAM? I'll tell you, it DOES NOT. We ARE NOT THAT MAN ADAM, AS RELIGION TEACHES. WE ARE THE MAN THAT CAME OUT FROM WITHIN GOD. AND REMEMBER THAT "MAN" WAS SPIRIT. NO BODY, NO FLESH, NO CARNAL MIND!!! UNTIL WE STEPPED INTO THE BODY AND WAS ALLOWED TO EXPERIENCE TWO MINDS. And then was our first choice given to us, to make.



The CHOICE, was what (and IS) we HEAR and it DISTURBS us. Why, because we haven't remembered Who and What we are, we have only what we were taught by religion. It disturbes so much, that most ALL WARS are over the choice that we have been given to make our decision. Once we take this "new" knowledge within and LISTEN to that Voice within us, then comes the time we make a choice regarding what we believe. Our groweth depends on our choice. OR we dive deeper into the manmade teaching instead of rising up more and more into BEING Who and What we really are.