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Part six


Now, talking about FREE WILL and CHOICE, we need to understand these words too.



I have always believed that we have FREE WILL. But, as I sought, within, I realized that this is a true statement AND an incorrect statement.



This "life" that we are experiencing is to show TRUTH, as we will ALLOW it to come forth. Of course, IF we are SO hungup on and in religion, we won't gain the Truth. Not until we open our minds and allow the Source, that we are the Plurality of, the Creator, show us wisdom or actually show us the importance of openning the mind and get out from under the CONTROL of religion.



When I said that the statement was both true and incorrect, let me show you what I mean.



We came out from within The Creator. IN ITS IMAGE. We were NEVER male or female. We were as IT is, Spirit Being. We had ITS fullness. As IT was , so were/are we. As we came out of IT, we came to EXPERIENCE ALL THAT IT HAD CREATED, INDIVIDUALLY. NOT SEPARATED FROM IT, BUT A PLURAL OF IT. We were all knowing but had not experienced that ALL.



As we stepped into a flesh body, we lowered ourselves. We made an agreement with the Creator to be what each of us are to experience, in this realm. Each of us have our own journey, as to what we are to experience, but we still were not and are not separated from what we came from, Our Source. Our journey is already planned out: the time of us being here; what we are to do; what we are to experience; and to BE an experience for others to experience. In order to KNOW a thing, we MUST EXPERIENCE THAT THING. This is the only way we will manifest the ALL KNOWINGNESS of ourselves, our True Self. Whether what we experience is in this lifetime, or a past lifetime or lifetimes. What we are experienceing right now, is something we did not experience in another lifetime.



At the time that we came out from within the Creator, we knew all. As each realm we came down through, we forgot more and more of what we knew, Who we are, and why we were coming here. (we are multidimensional Beings).But, that does not change the fact that we are Who and What we were created as. That will never change. (Which coming down through all the multidemensions and now journeying our way back up to our beginning, only proves this to be true, we HAVE NEVER BEEN SEPARATED FROM OUR SOURCE, WE HAVE JUST FORGOTTEN ALL PARTS OF OUR JOURNEY) We just forgot what we knew, but that doesn't change the TRUTH of our Identity. The more realms we lowered ourselved through, the more we forgot that sovereign Being that we are. And the same is true now, as we began ascending BACK to the forgotten Truth of it all. The difference will/is being , is that we are rising BACK to What and Who we are, and so much more.



Throughout all this lifetime, we thought that we had FREE WILL, and to US, who has forgotten our True Being, we did. We thought that WE were making all the choices that we have made. And we did, FOR A TIME. When you just get quiet and go within, and listen , we will come to know, that OUR JOURNEY WAS PLANNED BEFORE WE CAME OUT FROM WITHIN THE CREATOR!!! All was planned in advance to our coming into this realm. Every move that we make. The time (which doesn't even exist to God) that we were to be here, and what we are to do; it was already decided upon. So, yes we do make choices; no matter where those choices take us. But, once we accept the fact that the journey was already planned, we can see, as we begin to rise up, we see that all along, the journey was just following the Plan. The choices that we make, here and now, will do one of two things, it will lead us around a mountain and we will keep repeating going around that mountain UNTIL we learn what we are to experience and learn the Truth for the trip around the mountains. Or, we will quietly listen to the Inner Voice and experience and learn AND BE WHO AND WHAT WE ARE, WECAN SEE THE TRUTH OF FREE WILL. We have HAD TO LEARN what FREE WILL really is. WE had had to experience what we call "evil" in order to make the choice of which we want to follow, or learn to BE Who we really are. And Who and What are we, really? WE ARE THE PLURAL ELOHEIM. WE ARE CREATORS. WE ARE LOVE. And we are in different grades of "school" , rising to each "grade" of KNOWING and some we will graduate into the FREEDOM OF KNOWING OUR TRUE IDENTIY.



We are not robbing God of anything. It is HIS PLAN. When we THINK that we are robbing God, we are robbing ourselves. We are ALL ONE. We are the pieces of God that came to be when God sent the Plural of the Godhead to LEARN TO BE.



Be blessed, open, and receiving.