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Before we go any further, let's look at Who we are and get some thinking , straight. We need to realize Who the God of Genesis chapter one is and Who the Lord God of Genesis chapter two , is. And remember what the Gospel of Thomas said? " the seeker should not stop until he finds; when he finds, he will be DISTURBED, after having been DISTURBED, he will be ASTONISHED , after being ASTONISHED,he will REIGN over everything."


The seeker is us. And we should not STOP seeking until we find Truth. And that Truth will disturb us, because it is new to our hearing, to what we have been taught. But once we keep going into our Higher Being or our Inner Being, within where our True Idenity is at, that is where we find the astonishment of seeing Who and What we are, and how we came out of man's teaching into HIS TRUTH. Then is when we begin seeing differently. It's when we begin seeing through the Eyes of God.


So, in this part, I want everyone to look and see the difference between God and the Lord God.


In the Hebrew language, the word "God" in chapter one of Genesis, means "Eloheim". This word, "Eloheim" means, "PLURAL GOD". It doesn't say, "plural godS". It is the PLURAL of the One God of Genesis chapter one. HE is the God that brought forth US, out from within HIMSELF. (and actually there is no GENDER). WE are the PLURAL OF HIM. We have His Fullness. As He is , so are we. We are ALL God. We are made up of the Spirit that He is. There is only ONE SPIRIT, and ONE GOD. (and remember what I said about even though we are God, we are NOT fully manifesting that FULLNESS OF HIM, that we are. We are on our journey of LEARNING to KNOW just Who we are. And we will go on learning until it becomes a KNOWING and then the manifesting of Who we are starts coming forth. But, we have ALL of that FULLNESS that IS WITHIN US, to learn, to be distrubed, to be astonished and then to manifest. We have many more dimensions to experience before the FULLNESS manifests.


We are ALREADY CREATORS. We create with our thoughts, our beliefs and therefore with our WORDS. We can speak LIFE and we can speak DEATH. Yes, we create with our tongue. Think about it. If we have a car or something that breaks; we say, "that damned thing broke". Well, we just damned that thing. Many people say, "well my family linage shows that my family just lives to the age of 65 or 39" and you believe that, it becomes a part of your beliefs and then you speak it and then it happens. UNLESS you convince yourself that you are not what your family might have been. If you notice, people are NOW living to be more than 100-120 yrs old. And just because my family had heart problems does not mean that I will have heart problems. As a man thinketh (believes deeply) so is he. It's all about changing our mind back to the Christ Mind that we ALREADY HAVE, but don't always USE. Just saying "oh I believe what the bible says.." then why aren't we BEING WHAT WE BELIEVE DEEP WITHIN US? Because we say that we believe, but because of this flesh life that we have become we believe what we see with our physical eyes, physical ears, and physical thinking, this is what we truely believe. We do have to think DAILY on what we believe so it becomes TRUTH to us and it then manifests through us.


What else have we created? Well it is VERY clear in Genesis chapter two. AND in this we will also see the difference between God and the Lord God.


We have seen what God means in Genesis chapter one. Eloheim. Plural God. And all that He created, He saw that it was all VERY GOOD. Ok , now look at chapter two. As I said, all that was created in chapter one, was created in Spirit form. So, now in chapter two, we see what the Lord God created. or FORMED from the creation of chapter one.


First of all, man was created in the image of God. Male and female was that man. That man was never alone. That man was male and female. Which has nothing to do with gender. He funcitoned from the soul and the Spirit , just as the God was/is. There was no physical earth, or dust of the earth. God did not create a garden. God did not put a Tree of good and evil. God had no evil in Him, so evil could not come forth from Him.


Now look at the Lord God. First he creates a physical earth. And if you notice, it says, "there was no man to till the ground". Well what happened to man that created in chapter one? That man was in Spirit form, not a physical body that could "till the physical ground". Do you see that? Now this is where we will begin to see the changing of the mind from the Mind of Christ to the natural mind, the flesh mind. (a little at a time, which in the Spirit there is no such thing as time). This was changed from what God had created.


The Lord God FORMED the man in a flesh body. The word "formed" , in the Hebrew is "vayyitzer" and it means "mould". In other words the Lord God fashioned a flesh, human body for the man that was still in Spirit form to enter into and live the rest of his life as a human. This was changed from what God had created.


OK, after the Lord God created the "Garden of Eden", which is just a symbolization of THE MIND, he began his other creating. We saw that what God of chapter one had created, when He created "trees". Trees symbolize, natures of the man that was to be created. And remember, when God created those "trees", He looked over them and saw that this was VERY GOOd. But when the Lord God created the garden, he put a strange tree into the garden. This was changed from what God had created. The tree that the Lord God put in the garden had the knowledge of good AND EVIL. God did not know evil. But the Lord God did. This was a change from what God had created.


So we can see where the THINKING started being changed. There was TWO MINDS that was being used in this "garden". Actually, all that the "garden" represents is the MIND. So we see the two minds as the God Mind and the natural mind. But remember, the God Mind was never done away with, just the thinking was changed.



More to come.