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                                  THE BRAIN AND THE MIND

                                                  PART 2


As we look at the Tabernacle of Moses we can see the pattern that came from the Mind of God. The Tabernacle was made up of 3 rooms; the outer court, the Holy Place, and the Most Holy Place. Each piece of funiture in each of the three rooms is symbolic of us.


In the outer court was the door where anyone was welcome to enter into. When we look at the door of the Tabernacle, we can also see a picture of the brain. The door of the brain is the THINKING. We allow almost anything to enter that door. The things that enter that door, and that we believe, becomes truth to the brain. Religiously, think of it. Whatever denomination we are in, we are allowing the beliefs of the particular denomination to enter through the door and what enters becomes our beliefs and our THINKING. But, it doesn't mean that our thinking is TRUTH.


Even the Tabernacle shows us of different thinking. The outer court represents the salvation realm. Once saved, always saved. Live as we want, we are saved. THIS is a THINKING, not necessarily TRUTH. The second room of the Tabernacle, the Holy Place, represents Pentecost. In this realm, they have their own beliefs, their own THINKING, but again not necessarily TRUTH, and then there is the Most Holy Place. To those whose THINKING is that we have entered behind the veil, to where God is, is their THINKING, and also not necessarily TRUTH. These are THINKING and THINKING is of the brain. Now, I am not saying that those who have received "from God", is not receiving truth, but when they receive "from God" it is not from THE BRAIN; IT IS FROM THE MIND.


When you stop and think about it, in that third room of the Tabernacle, WHERE was God? HE WAS ABOVE THAT ROOM IN THE CLOUD!! Just as the Mind is above the brain. The Mind is a different demonsion. The brain is physical, it can be seen with the natural eyes, it can be felt. ANYTHING OF THE NATURAL IS PART OF THE ILLUSION, UNTIL That REALITY OF GOD/ELOHIM begins manifesting through us. The Mind does not hold the things that the brain holds.


Let me say something here; I received an email saying that "CONSCOUSNESS AND IT IS NOT IN THE BRAIN. IT IS ENERGY CONTAINED IN EVERY PART OF OUR BODY ENABLING OUR HEART TO PROCESS IT AND THEREFORE TAKE OVER EVERY CELL. THROUGH THE CHAKRAS." I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT CONSCIOUNESS in this article I am talking about Higher Consciousness. There is a difference. At least to my thinking, which is of the brain. Consciousness is being awake and THINKING. Consciousness IS of the brain. But Highter Consciousness is just what the words indicate; a consciousness higher that the thinking of the brain. There is much that we might THINK is Higher Consciousness but I don't think it is. Some are into the chakras and have their own thoughts about them. To me, the brain is what controls the body. If you don't believe it, let the brain stop functioning and see what happens to the body, chakras or no chakras. BUT, each is intitled to what they believe. Believing will cause healing; simply because of "as a man thinketh, so is he". And like I said, if it works for you, then do as you feel to do. We are all on our own journey and have our own idea as what we are to do. And as I said, I am not teaching, I am sharing what I am receiving.


The brain will, while you are talking to someone, be giving you words to say in the conversation. The Mind will, while you are in a conversation with someone, be giving you a Truth that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation. The Mind will alos let you see UNDERSTANDING to what someone is saying to you, when it is a subject that is hard to put into words. The brain has in it everything that we allowed to be put into it. Just like a computer. The computer is programmed; the Mind is not programmed, it is TRUTH. The brain is about LEARNING, the Mind is about KNOWING. The Mind is a state of Being, the brain is not. When the brain stops, it stops; the Mind NEVER stops.



I saw a TV show about a 19 or 20 year old boy, who is autistic and such an unbelievable artist. They took him up in a helicopter and flew him past a well known building, I forget where it was. They told him that they were going to flly him by this building one time, and then they wanted him to draw a picture of it. Let me tell you, this building was HUGH; so many different parts to it. so many windows and all that. And yet when the young man drew the picture, it was wonderfully awesome!! That, my friend, was the MIND not the brain.


I don't know about you, but with me, I have learned that I can THINK anything, and that thinking is with my brain; but to KNOW a thing, I have to experience that thing, and that it is the MIND that explains the thing that I am experiencing. We can be going through a very painful thing and the brain will tell you how much it is hurting you. It is the brain that will tell you how you should be really upset with a person. It (the brain) will tell you that you are depressed and you will FEEL that depression. But, it is the MIND that tells you what you were to learn through the experience. It is then that we have a choice in which we want, what the brain tells us or what the Mind is telling us. Believe me, from experience, it iw the MIND every time that will bring growth into your Being. It will change you WITHOUT even thinking, changes that is beyond anything we would have believed about ourselves.


The brain is what THINKS of separation. It separates our Higher Consciousness from the awareness of the One Mind. Imagine that once, long ago, that there was only One Mind. There was only One Being in existence, but, there was no one to behold it. Then the conscious THINKING appeared in people. It was like waking up from a dream. And all of a sudden, people realized that they were persons walking in a world. "Here we are, " they said. But, immediately there was the question "Where did we come from? Where were we before? How did we get here"? Every religion, every denomination have passed down this story, in their own way of telling it. But, an act of separation was required to create Higher Consciousness. Why? Because acting as free agents in this sensorey world of physical reality requires being able to perceive ourselves as separate from this world. And an act is what the brain did, it convinced us that we were separated from Who We really are. But, it was the MIND that said, "NO, you are not what you THINK you are, a human being. You are a Spirit Being, a God Being." And because we have become so use to the brain THINKING, it is sometimes hard to believe a Truth when the Mind speaks.


So what I have found, for me, is that I don't have to get this or get that, set up some kind of altar; or get down and talk to you chakras; do a certain meditation, in order to allow the Mind to feed me. Like I said, this seems to work for some, so I am not belittling it, but for me, the Mind will feed me as I ALLOW IT TO. And it is quick to do so, even when I am THINKING. It will iterrupt a thought, and give me a Truth.


So, when the brain tells you that we are double minded, ignore it. We are not. We have a brain and we have The Mind. The more that we ignore, the less we will believe. And the more Truth we keep telling the brain, from the Mind, the more the brain will preform things regarding the body, that is almost unbelivable. The body will and is changing, because our True Being is coming forth, FOR THOSE WHO LISTEN TO THE MIND, NOT THE BRAIN. The brain is like the ignition to the vehicle, it starts it and keeps it running, BUT the MIND is the KEY TO THE IGNITION.


I don't know if there will be more to this sharing or not. But, I felt to share this with you.

Be blessed.


It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?
