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                                      THE BRAIN AND THE MIND

                                                        part 3


MOST believe it is the brain that, some where in it, is the Spiritual part of us, is. I just see the brain as part of the illusion. It is what we "fell" in to and it is where the illusion is created and kept empowered, both the falling into and the THINKING takes place.. But, I think that I sort of see anything that can be felt or seen in the natural is OF the natural. The Mind on the other hand cannot be seen, but surely causes a change and a KNOWING in us. As I said, the brain is programmed. We keep putting in programs with each thing we hear or see.


I remember, for years, searching for a way to find out how to get in touch with the Peneal Gland. All I heard was that is the place where all the Spiritual stuff we wanted to be in touch with, was at. But, not even the scienctists have ever gotten to know anymore about that gland than they did before. And IT IS A PART OF THE FLESH BODY, which IS NOT US. God is suppose to be in/as us, not just a particular gland of the flesh body. The Mind is not a flesh part of the body. It is a STATE OF BEING. The Mind is a part of what we are, Spirit. We THINK (which is of the brain) that we NEED to be more SPIRITUAL. How can one be more of what they are? The brain can be programmed to the point that a woman can THINK that she is pregnant, to the point, of the body actually showing signs of pregnancy, but when the birth time comes, no baby. That is programming, and the body produces what the THINKING or PROGRAMMING tells it. It is belief. Even if that belief is false. The brain accepts what we put in it.



I am hearing from some of you about the cells of the body. Some think that each cell has a "mind of it's own" , to do what it was created to do. Yes, the cells do a particular job and they do them well but remember there were no cells is the REAL US. The cells did not exist UNTIL we created these bodies. Think about this; when the brain dies, so do the cells, the atoms, EVERY PART of the body. But, the Mind lives eternally. It is the Mind that leaves the body and looks down, on so many reported events of death, of the dead human body. Since we ARE SPIRIT, and there is ONLY ONE SPIRIT, The Mind leaves with us, back into the invisible realm. And think on this: was it not the Mind that agreed to come into this realm for the purpose that we came for? Now Since God is Spirit, there is NO BRAIN, ONLY MIND. And were we not created in His image? We HAD the God Mind until we came to the natural realm and starting thinking DIFFERENTLY than the God Mind. We needed no brain when we were in that invisible realm, the brain HAD to have a container, a vessel to exist in.. BUT, when we entered into body form, that body NEEDED A BRAIN to keep the body functioning. Should this body die, the atoms cease; the kidneys cease; the lungs cease; the cells, systems and the BRAIN cease to be. They go into the ground with the body. But, the Mind goes eternally with the Spirit that we are. The Mind has no duality in it. But the brain does. Why? Because the brain was programmed BY US AND OTHERS to function in a dual way. Mind is BEING, Brain is THINKING. And Thinking is not KNOWING. We KNOW FROM THE MIND. The Brain makes our body EXPERIENCE; The Mind causes us to EXPERIENCE in BEING. "to KNOW a thing, you must EXPERIENCE that thing. " The more we KNOW, the more we BE. The more we THINK, the more the body experiences. The body cannot understand things of the Spirit. The body NEEDS and gets fron the brain; the Spirit that we are has no NEEDS, so it gets BEING from the Mind.


There is just one truth, I believe, about this subject. We can THINK religiously, from the brain. And when you think about it, where did the brain get all that religious thinking? We heard, we read, we studied and it entered the brain. But, the CHANGING or comes from the MIND. It is the Mind that produces the fruits, not the brain. Oh , the brain will let us ACT religiously, and make us THINK that fruits are following us, but it is the Mind that brings forth those fruits, that are not an act but a state of being.


This is part of a Jewish article that I received: QUOTE ; "When was the last time you laid hands on someone and they were healed – really healed? Not from some headache or non-descript pain but sight given to the blind, the deaf hear, the lame walk, limbs are restored, the dead brought to life? Not somebody behind a microphone charging you admission to see their performance – but YOU? Yeshua said this is to be the normal walk of a believer (John 14:12, Mark 16:17-18, Acts 5:16, Acts 8:7 click on highlighted verse to see scripture). Is that happening in your life? Are these things following along behind you as He said they would?

Are you "saved"? Then how many times have you submitted yourself to that "other cross" (the medical one with the snakes wrapped around it) to treat your diseases when the word "saved" comes from the Greek word sozo and means 1) to save one suffering from disease, to make well, heal, restore to health? Yeshua used this word in John 3:16-17 as "saved" and again in John 5:33-34. The apostle Sha'ul (Paul) also said that the same Spirit that raised Yeshua from the grave dwells in you to "quicken (give life to) your mortal bodies" (Romans 8:11 - see also Salvation and Eternal Life for an expanded look)." UNQUOTE


You see, the brain says, "IF you don't do these things, you are What you should be." Again, it is SEEING these things that ALLOWS us to believe we can do them. But even IF we do them, that doesn't mean we ARE WHO AND WHAT WE ARE. And notice, healing HAS to be done in a certain way, in order to be What and Who we are. Well let me say this; my 9 year old grandson and granddaughter will unashamedly come and lay hands on your head, if you say you have a headache; or on your back if your back is hurting, and THEY BELIEVE it will cause the pain to leave, and you know what I BELIEVE it too and it does. It is that childlike MIND, that society and religiousosity hasn't got to them yet. But as they grow and are "taught", they will be told, "no dear, a doctor has to do all this medical stuff". It is like the belief in heaven and hell. You know what hell is? It is when your son tells you, "Mom you have to stop teachng these kids all this stuff, I don't want people making fun of them". It is the brain that cares if people make fun of you, the MIND could care less what folks say. The brain is following the "norm"; the Mind is showing perculararity . You see, one is BEING, the other is not Being but depending on something other that what we have within us. So when something that seems percular to the brain is said , the brain immeiately tells us that that is not true. The brain, while we are in conversation with someone, all the time we are listening to what the person is saying, is busy getting the words together for us to reply to what that person said. Ask some medical people that knows about the brain.


I want to say "Thank You" to those who emailed me and gave me their opinion. I appreciate it. And as I said at the beginning of this article, this IS NOT A TEACHING, it is a SHARING. IF you think that it is the brain that does everything, that is your opinion and you are intitiled to your thoughts as I am to mind. I am must sharing some things to think about, and gain light or correction for me.



So IF anymore comes along regarding this subject I will pass it on. If not, this is the end. lol

Love and Blessings

It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?
