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                                      THE BRAIN AND THE MIND


                                                                                               part 4


First, I want to thank all of you that have responded to these articles, regarding the brain and The Mind. All are not in agreement; some are in some agreement and some disagreement; some are just allowing themselves to be shown, one way or the other. But, I am thankful to all of you who have emailed me on this.


I received and email and a phone call from two wonderful men and friends. Both have the same name, Scott. Both ask the same question: "where does the soul fit in with what you are discussing regarding the brain and The Mind?" When the first Scott asked me that question, I sort of gave a not really clear answer, because I wasn't really sure. Then, three days later, my othe Scott friend, called me and asked me the same thing, "Linda, where does the soul fit in with this?"


I was painting my living room when Scott called me. We spoke for a couple of minutes and he said that he was at the grocery store and his phone was breaking up and he would call me back, later. So I started painting again. Boy, like a bolt of lightening, it all started flooding in to me. And I thought, "I'd better grab my pad and pen and write this down." Then Scott called me back and as we talked more and more came and I said, "Well, Scott I didn't know for sure, if there would be another part to this article or not, but NOW I KNOW there is another part." This is that part.


As most of you know, I do not depend on the bible anymore. Sure, I do believe that there are some of it that will help us; but, I know that MAN wrote the bible, much of it was added to; and that much left out, so my dependance can now be ONLY on the MIND.


Now in the first chapter of Genesis we are told that God created us in His/Her image and likeness. And knowing this, it is easy to understand, if one is open, that IF God was Spirit; and He was; that WE are Spirit Beings. Now, we are also told that He is the same tody, tomorrow and forever; so that means that we are the same todsy, tomorrow and forever. IF He cannot change, neither can we. I am NOT talking about this body that we live in. I am not talking about this "human being" that most of us have believed that is us. I am talking about what we came forth out from within God as, His Plural.


We KNOW that the body does change, but the Spirit Being that we are, does not change. I did a writing on "When the Changing of the Mind Began", ( you can read it on my website to see what I am talking about) and now I am seeing some other things that began WITH THAT CHANGING of the Mind.



It being that we are "the Lord God" better known as the Plural God, WE CANNOT CHANGE WHAT AND WHO WE ARE, BUT we could and did allow the brain to fall away from the Mind of God. I showed that in the article I just mentioned. I would ask you to really consider what I am about to say. And PLEASE consider it with an open MIND and not the brain.


Ok, we are told that we came forth as a Spirit Being; then in chapter two of Genesis we are told that when the Lord God began his creating and forming that we were FORMED as a living soul. This means that we CHANGED from what God had brought us forth as. Now, that is controdictory to what is said about God, "He is the same today, tomorrow and forever". Remember, WE ARE IN HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS. So the writer of Genesis is telling us that we did what the same Book told us that we could not do.....change. It was NOT US that changed, it was OUR THINGING. And remember, THINKING is of the brain, KNOWING is of THE MIND.


We are also told in the bible that it is the Spirit that returns to God, when a person dies. Well we are that SAME SPIRIT that God is. I am not so sure that ANYONE can give a correct definition to the word "soul". I do know what the translators tell us, but that doesn't mean that THEIR interpretation is correct. So, all we can depend on is the Spirit that we are. We have been told MANY THINGS by translators that we have come to find is NOT as they interppretated.


It is the brain that is programmed. What we put in it or allow to be put in it by others; by readings; or by what we see, is how the brain is programmed. We all have heard of "brain washing", and brain washing can be BELIEVED beyone a shadow of a doubt. The brain can be hynotized and believe what is put in it. This has been proven. Even in comedy shows we see where a hynotist will hypnotize a person and tell them that they are a chicken and that person will waddle around clucking and cackling like a chicken. ANYTHING that is worked at hard enough can make the brain believe what was worked on being put in the brain. Medical folks have proved how a woman can tell herself that she is pregnant to the point that her stomach swells; she has morning sickness; all the signs of a pregnancy; but, when it comes time to produce a baby, the baby is not there. That's because the brain has had that info put in it, from a person who truely believes that they are pregnant and desires a baby so much.


The Mind CANNOT be programmed. It is the Mind that CORRECTS the THINKING of the BRAIN.


We are told, "be transformed by the renewing of the mind". I looked up that word "mind" that is spoken of in Romans. In Strong's Concordance, the number is #3563, it says: "probably (which could mean maybe, maybe not ---my words) from the base of #1097 (which we will also look at); the intellect, i.e. the mind (divine OR human); in thought, feeling, or will; by impl. meaning; --mind, understanding.


As we see here, the word MIND is intellect, thinking, feeling, or by will. Now, to me, this is of the SOUL. As we saw in Genesis, the SOUL came into being when the MAN was formed as a flesh being, which is of this illusion that we have been living. We have been told for AGES that the seven senses, which includes; feeling, will, and thinking is of the flesh or the soul.


#1097= to know, to allow to be aware of, feel, have know-(ledge); perceive, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand.


Number one, we perceive WHAT WE BELIEVE, be it with the brain or the Spirit. To be resolved= wasn't it not too long ago that we were resolved, in our beliefs that there was going to be a rapture? Can speak, well we can speak anything we want. As I look back at some of my older teachings, I can see where I wrote things that I BELIEVED at the time of the writing, but now, see things quite differentlly, because of what the Mind has explained to me. Sometimes this is called maturing. Understand= we believe what we understand; but what we understand in one realm, we can grow in another realm and the understanding changes for us. Look at past "understandings" that we have all had and grown out of.


The brain is what changes, according to what is put in it. The MIND NEVER CHANGES. So, do you think that maybe, "be transformed by the renewing of the mind", could mean, "be transformed by the renewing of the brain?"


In some of us, the brain has accepted the truth from the Mind that we are Spirit Beings; in others the brain rejects this fact because the info put in it is from those who will not open the brain to accept anything that is different from what we have been taught, especially in RELIGION. Now, those who do accept that we are Spirit Beings, what are we told, about when the body dies? "The Spirit returns to God." BUT, for those who will not accept the truth that we are Spirit Beings, that we are this body and this brain, I ask to be told, what happens when the brain dies? The brain is FLESH. So if this flesh brain dies, so does the body and IF we are NOT Sprit Beings, then that means there is NOTHING ELSE FOR US. IF this flesh body IS US, when it goes, EVERYTHING IS OVER!


As the brain accepts the Truths of the Mind, and accepts that the changing of the brain's thinking, THEN the body changes. The brain is what controls the functions of the body. It directs the cells to do their work; it directs the blood to flow as it should; it controls ALL THINGS OF THIS FLESH BODY. The brain accepts what it is told. IF a doctor tells someone that they have cancer, the brain reacts as one who has cancer. Instead of what The Mind tells us, "you have life eternal"'" "You are perfect"""""You are a Spirit Being"''''You are NOT your body, you are Spirit, and your body is a vehicle", if the brain is washed with these Truths, the body starts changeing because the brain has been programmed regarding these things. A Spirit cannot have cancer; cancer is a thing of this illusional realm, there is IN GOD'S REALITY, there is NO CANCER. In God's REALITY we are Spirit as He is Spirit, in fact, we are that SAME SPIRIT because there is ONLY ONE SPIRIT.


We need not the bible, books, teachers, writers (including myself) to tell us that the Spirit IS PERFECT; God is Spirit/Pure Energy, right? The Spirit has ONLY God Mind KNowing; that KNOWING is to purify; The Mind is to CHANGE the Brain THINKING. WE programmed the brain , with illusional THINKING; WE put it or allowed things to be put in the brain.



The Mind is Spirit with God KNowing; the soul is the brain thinking, the emotions , ALL that the Mind is not UNTIL the brain thinking is changed.


Again, these are MY opinions.

Blessings and love.



It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?
