PART 1

I was recently invited to take part in a discussion group that was put together by Rokus den Hartog. I have never met this brother, but feel a "family" relationship with him. In this discussion, which Rokus entitled, The Theory of Reality, many subjects were brought up; many questions were asked; and many different answers came forth.

Now, when you get a group of people together, of course, you get many different opinions. Some, you agree with, some, you don't. Some you understand, some you don't. Not all are at the same level, in the journey BACK to our beginning. All do not talk alike. So, unless we are depending on the Holy Spirit to give understanding, different "wordings" can be misunderstood, by some. Needless to say, we ALWAYS should be dependant on Him; because He is the One that Jesus was talking about when He said, The Spirit will teach you all things, ye, even the deep things of God."   But, the wonderful thing is, is that we can all give or share what we feel that Father has shown us, and do it in love. This is as it should be.

Some, like myself, have received and are holding on to the revelation that we are God. It was brought out that it was not a good idea to say, "I AM GOD".  Some suggestions, instead of the use of the just mentioned words, were: "I am the substance of God", or "I am the essence of God".  This was suggested because of the chance of offending others, who are not in the same frame of thinking as others are. But, as I said, we all talk differently and have to take that into account. Actually, all three ways of saying this Truth, mean the same thing.  And in a part of this article, we will see WHY, it is important to SAY or Speak what we believe about ourselves.

It is MY OPINION that in each realm or heaven that we step into, there are 3 realms in that one realm. Now, as I said, this is MY opinion. It is something that I learned early in my walk. I do not say that everyone has to believe as I do. It is my opinion that we will all arrive at the destination that we are called to, in due time. I am not a RELIGEOUS speaking person. Father started speaking to me, in a way that I UNDERSTOOD.  Each of us have our own intimate way of talking with Father. And we must accept each other's way, because I feel that Father gave each of us the personality that we are. We are each, an EXPRESSION of Father. And how boring it would be if we all thought, acted and sounded alike. I like what Rokus said about this discussion; "It is a desire to make people think."   Rokus loves people and He loves Father. He is concerned with babes; a little "older" Sons; and even the matured Sons. Simply put, He LOVES.

I cannot teach you. You cannot teach me. We need only ONE teacher, and that is the Holy Spirit. I want to say, right off the bat, we ARE NOW ONE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT; but we are just beginning to allow the ONENESS to be brought forth in a unity that all will and can understand, regardless of the outward way of expressing whatever is being brought forth. But, like Rokus' wanting to make people think, I think that is VERY IMPORTANT. We HEAR FIRST, and then think about what we hear, as we take it within, to the Holy One.

I have had MANY of you write, call and email me saying that what you like is the "down to earth" way I speak, explain, or understand.  Some would immediately say, "well that doesn't sound to good, "down to earth".  Well, you see, HEAVEN and EARTH are coming together and showing us that they are BOTH THE SAME, just expressed in different ways. And we are right in the middle of the heaven and it is right in the middle of us. And I believe that Father sets us, where HE knows that we need to be. And with who He knows each of us will understand.

I have enjoyed this discussion group, so very much. There is one desire, that I've seen in those posting their remarks, and that desire is, to come to REALLY KNOWING our Father's heart and His Love. I know that I don't have to tell anyone; we haven't even touched the tip of the iceburg when it comes to knowing all about our Father; His Plan and all that that plan has planned for us/Him.

So, I'd like to share some topics that were brought up in this discussion group and give all of you something to think about and allow the Spirit to enlighten as to His Truths.  Folks, we are in a Day like we or anyone else has ever experienced before. And we must come to the knowing that past teachings are for the past; to help get us to this point. We must not put a blockage on what we will or will not accept. We are hearing things that were never put into words before. And much of it is HARD to put into a language that we've understood.  It's a Truth, that we are starting to REMEMBER when we were in that "Garden of LOVE".  All are not open. But, that's OK for right now. Father is bringing forth the Firstfruits and they will bring the others into understanding.

There was a brother who emailed me, during this discussion, and said that he lived with his wife and family out in the middle of nowhere. They fellowship among themselves, But, he said that one night he experienced HAVING THE GROUP right there with him and his wife, fellowshipping with them, WITHOUT EMAILS!!  This is what it's all about. So many are writing me and saying, "I have been set aside by myself....it's lonely."  And I know what they are saying, I've experienced that too. But, it brings forth the total of our dependance, on Father. And, our heaven is transporting us to the places that we are needed. Just like what happened with Phillip, after he was finished baptising the eunuch and

"and when they were come up out of the water, the SPIRIT OF THE LORD CAUGHT AWAY PHILIP,  that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing. BUT Philip was found at Azotus; and pasing through he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea." (Acts 8:39-40)

You know, water represents people. Think of it, when Philip came UP OUT OF THE WATER; Philip's True Being rose out of the "people thinking" and THEN was caught away. This is what we must be. I don't mean that we shouldn't be around people, I mean we must get out and stay out of the way the flesh thinks.

Father meets our needs when we believe. I believe in angels like Gabriel and Michael; and I believe in angels like those who are here on earth spreading Father's truths; and angels like those who have passed over into the invisible realm. I believe in ALL things. Folks, ANYTHING is POSSIBLE. We may not remember, when we wake up in the morning, if Father had transported us somewhere, where we were needed; but it doesn't mean that it didn't happen!!  But, that's another story.

Now, I'd like to go into some of the things that were brought up and some things that were discussed, in this discussion group. And let me tell you, I HEARD FATHER SPEAK through many in that group. It was heavenly.  Of course!!  lol.  Not all of the opinions that I will be writing here, were mine; and all of my opinions were not others'. But, in our Being (Spirit) we all got something out of it, and we ALL experienced LOVE in action.

Ok. We all know that we are on a journey. A journey that is taking us back to our ORIGIN. We did not begin here on this earth and we will "end up" in heaven and earth, just as Jesus experienced. You see, we are already in the earth but walking with our Head in the heavenlies. We've dropped all the "religeous" thoughts that we USE to have, about what it meant to do this. He is doing a QUICK WORK.  Let me say, there will be things said in this article, that you may not have heard before, TAKE IT WITHIN and allow HIM to give you the understanding; but at the same time, there is much that HAS been heard before, but , I feel it is important enough to be repeated; so that we get the full understanding of these articles.

In part 2 of this article, we will be looking at the 2 identities.