OUR JOURNEY                              1/5/06
                                                           part 3

                                               The Two Identities

In Part 2, we began looking at the two identities, that we've been taught that we have. Sad to say, a lot of people are still teaching this, which is not true thinking.

We have thought that there is God AND us. This means that there is a separation between Him and us. This is what is referred to as "double mindedness".  It is also referred to as seeing through "self-centeredness" and "Christ centeredness".

I know that I have said this before, but, I want to go over it again. We HAVE to get this truth into us. WE ARE A SPIRIT BEING!  We just walk in this physical body. The body IS NOT US. IF you get into a car, to go across town, does that mean that that car is you?  No, it doesn't. It means that YOU are USING the car to travel in. It's the same with the physical body and Who we really are.

Part of these two identities is SIN CONCISENESS. Of course, we KNOW that there is NO SIN IN FATHER, Whose image and Oneness we ARE. Which means, THAT THERE IS NO SIN IN THIS SPIRIT BEING THAT WE ARE. It's in the mind. The carnal mind. Which tells us WHICH MIND we use at times.

GOD DID NOT CREATE SIN, MANKIND DID. When mankind's mind was lowered, we began FORGETTING what Father's ideas were. We started thinking RELIGIOUSLY. "Oh, to please Father, we have to DO this, or we have to DO that; and if we don't, we sin.". But folks, it IS NOT WHAT WE DO, it is what we stopped BEING. We came to believe that there were two minds and two natures within us. But, we cannot forget, that one nature and one mind DIED ON THE CROSS. But, we were not aware of it, until our Spirit was regenerated. Once that Spirit was awakened in us, the process began. The process of changing and realizing that we have been thinking and been taught, in error.

We need to get a clear understanding of SIN. When we think of "sin", or "evil", we think of something so gross that it makes us sick to our stomach. It is a kind of silent torture. We WANT so much, to be rid of these things. But you see, when we continually look at "sin", what we are doing is SETTING OUR FOCUS ON IT. We cannot FOCUS on the truth of Who we are, while we are focused on sin. A lot of us think, "oh I just do "little" sins. Let me tell you something, it is those "little sins" that slowly creep up on us and devour us. This THINKING is the
"enemy that walks up and down in (our) earth, to see who and what he can devour". It's not some "devil" that is out there, working against us. It is the THINKING that is within us.

The definition of sin is, missing the mark. Now, honestly, does that sound so gross? No. And it's not. It is this separated thinking, which is of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, instead of thinking coming from the Mind of Christ, The Tree of Life.

One sister from the discussion group said. "We are told that the scriptures tell us that the wages of sin is death, not eternal torture. Would that mean that sin is separation from God, since all life is connection with God. We are told to forgive the brethren that sin against us. So, apparently, sin is not something that can just be done against God.Jesus said that those who believe on Him, are free of sin. So could it be that sin is being "self-centered", instead of being "Christ centered"?  Or is sin, the fear of being disconnect from God?"

She went on to say that, "perfect love casts out all fear...so perhaps sin is really a lack of love. Love is the key to a sinless life and if we are flowing in the love of God, we cannot sin.  It would seem that what we call sinful behavior, is also unloving behavior; and on a deeper level, a person does comes from what the person is. However if we do not judge anything as sinful, then does sin exist?  We must be as little children to enter the Kingdom of God, where no sin is and little children are innocent. We lose our innocence when we judge or become critical of others. So, if we see through the eyes or love, as a little child, sin does not exist."

I do agree with most of this, BUT, we must remember that we ARE in the process of being awakened to not only WHO we are, but ALL that makes up the Being.

First of all, we lack NOTHING, not the true us.
About losing our innocence, I do not believe that we EVER lose our innocence. Innocence IS A PART of Who we really are, it's just that we allow ourselves to "set aside" our innocence. But, we are awakening to know that we are innocent.  And we must remember that Who and What we are, CAN NEVER CHANGE THE TRUTH OF WHO WE ARE, even though we do not show that Being. This is part of the processing of the manifesting to come forth through us.  

What we need to realize is that NO LONGER is death the wages of sin. That ended on the cross. When we resurrected as NEW CREATURES, death was not a part of us. The PHYSICAL BODY can see death, but, NOT US. Remember, that body IS NOT US. We HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. That means that the life that we are NEVER ENDS. If the physical body sees death, we simply step out of it, into the invisible realm. Just as if we stepped out of that car we used to get across town. See what I mean?

My dear friend is absolutely right about LOVE. IF we are constantly keeping the commandment
"love your neighbor as yourself", no, there is no sin, and cannot be any sin.

But, again, that LOVE IS BEING RAISED in us. It is completed in the real us that is living in this physical body, but, until we RENEW our mind,  COMPLETELY MANIFESTING the mind of Christ, we don't even really know what REAL LOVE, FATHER'S LOVE is. We are beginning to have that love manifested through us, because Father is showing Himself, more and more through us.  More and more, when we "sin" against a brother and sister, He raises up in us and says, "Look let me show you how you are looking at this situation, and how I AM looking at it".  Either we listen to Him, learn, EXPERIENCE what He is CORRECTING, and we come into the KNOWING of that thing, OR we go around the block again until the truth of it is seen AND LIVED.

I believe that "sin" is simply us NOT thinking with the Christ Mind and falling back down to the thinking of the carnal mind. But, as we learn this, this is when we TAKE CAPTIVE EVERY THOUGHT. And we must.

I think that "sin" is a falling away from the Mind of Christ, but, that doesn't mean that we have LOST the Mind of Christ. We separated ourselves from that LOVING AND ALL KNOWING MIND. But, what is happening today?  The GAP that WE have created between that Spiritual Mind, is being closed. And for those of us that have experienced that separation from the Mind of Christ, the minute we do it, we are in pain and torture, UNTIL, we repent and allow the RISING of that Mind again. Then, we learn where to keep our focus.

You see, the SEPARATION of different things, was a part of God's plan. We LEARN from them. Not only that, but get ready.......Father experiences the feeling within us of what that pain and torture feels like. That's right. Father has not experienced using a different mind, other than HIS MIND; He has not experienced the real desire to get to the place where we us want to get to, the REMEMBRANCE of Who we are. And He has not experienced the experience of receiving REAL, TRUE, GOD LOVE, after not knowing it . He becomes experienced in the temptation of what we are tempted with. HE DOES NOT CAUSE THE TEMPTATION, WE DO, but He experiences the way our heart feels. HE IS LOVE; HE GIVES LOVE (HIMSELF), but up until this awakening that He is causing in us, HE HASN'T EXPERIENCED the RECEIVING of PURE LOVE!!  I know that this may bring disagreement in some, but think about it. We haven't KNOWN PURE LOVE (in this earthen realm), so we HAVE NOT GIVEN IT. What we've been giving is emotion, emotion of this realm. NOW, we are RETURNING TO HIM, HIS LOVE!!  Hallelujah!!

I want to share with you, what Father showed me about "sin".  He turned me to Rom. 14:13-14:

"Let us not, therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.  I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, THAT THERE IS NOTHING UNCLEAN OF ITSELF; BUT TO HIM THAT ESTEEMETH ANY THING TO BE UNCLEAN, TO HIM IT IS UNCLEAN."    

You see, OUR MIND DETERMINES good and evil; right or wrong; clean or unclean. So, when we see or hear or experience a thing, and we begin to THINK, "oh that is so UNGODLY", we need to know that we are seeing that thing through the carnal mind, not the Mind of Christ. Because aren't we told, and don't we know that "God is ALL IN ALL", and folks that means the good, the bad and the ugly!! Sort of shocking isn't it?  What an awakening we are being called to. SIN DOES NOT EXIST!!  It's all in which mind we are looking through. And what matters is what we do with this awakening.  

The PROVING that there is not two natures working in us, is the fact that we are being ridded of the thought of that lie. The truth is, is that now that we have learned that we are Spirit Beings, brought forth from the VERY BEING OF GOD AND ALL THAT HE IS, makes us see that the flesh is not a part of us, it is a realm that we are living in. But, even the flesh is being CHANGED. We are having manifested through us the words of Paul:

1 Cor. 15:52, " In a moment (this word means in a "atom", which the physical body is made up of), in the twinkling of an eye..." (this means, "the jerking of our focus" will be changed."

This doesn't just mean our THINKING is changed, but also this physical body will change. It's all in the Mind. I don't mean "positive thinking". When I say "our Mind", I mean the Mind which really belongs to the REAL BEING that we are. The Being that is LIVING in this physical body, The Mind of Christ.

So, can you see that the beliefs that we have allowed to linger with us, although it was destroyed at the cross, is the thing that has kept us from seeing Who we really are?  But, Thank You Father for rising up and living YOUR LIFE AS US AND US AS YOU.  I praise YOU!!

As a precious brother said, in this discussion group:

"ThankYOU for the LOVE that YOU ARE.; What you may not realize is that I NEED the LOVE THAT YOU ARE as much as you need the LOVE that I AM!; WE all NEED THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE as much as you need the LOVE that WE ARE! This is because LOVE wants to GIVE OUT OF ITSELF...and it ALSO wants to EXPERIENCE and KNOW all that it is TOO! That's just what ROKUS said too...wasn't it!? I always understood that God being LOVE wanted to GIVE of ITSELF...but I never really thought about it until the last couple of weeks until ROKUS mentioned it...that LOVE wanted to EXPERIENCE ALL THAT IT WAS or experience the DEPTH of ITSELF. And BY GOD...that is exactly what we're experiencing between each other...in every circumstance with each and every person we have any "drama" with! We're experiencing the "depth" of this LOVE that WE ARE!"

So, we need to reevaluate the whole KNOWING of ourselves; Who we are; What we are; The Mind that we use; the things that we are focusing on. Our focus brings forth our thoughts, which bring forth the words that we speak; which brings for HIS MANIFESTATION.

more to come.....