Teacher: Linda Keith
Intercessor & Secretary:
Marlene McCuan









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                                       The Changing of the Body part 1
                                                    My Arm

Some of you have read this account, of what happened to my arm. But, some haven't and it is so much a part of my belief, on the Changing of the Body, that I have included it here , in this study.
I am not saying that the Lord said this to me, it's something that I feel strongly in my Spirit. There is an exctiement in my Spirit about this.

I truely believe that this is the year that we are going to see the changing of the body. (of some). I know that I sound like one of those TV prophets, but it is such an excitement, that I've never had before, it is always with me.  I want to tell you what happened.  About 4 wks ago, my sister and I were leaving for church, on Sunday morning and the steps outside were icy and snowy. I fell down 4 steps and thought, oh, I'm ok.  Well, we went on to church and just before church was over, my left arm started bothering me. I couldn't straighten it out. I had told Bro Madison, my friend and pastor,  what had happened, when I first got there. So when church was over, I told him that I thought my arm was broken.  So he called the others together and we all prayed together.  After church,  my sister and I  went to eat, where my other sister works. In the middle of eating I told my sister that I thought I'd better go to the ER.  So we waited until my other sister got off work and went to Bigley Medical Center to have my arm x-rayed.

Sure enough, my left arm was broken. The Dr came into the room, with the x-rays and showed them to me. The break looked like an upside down Y. (at the elbow--OUCH!!)  Every angle of the x-ray showed this break. So they put my arm in a temporary cast and he told me to go to the hospital the next day (Monday) to get a full cast put on.  So when we got to the hospital, the next day,  ( I had the x-rays with  me overnight, to take to the hospital), the Dr (a different Dr) called me into the examining room and he looked at the x-rays and put them up on the wall. THERE WAS NO BREAK THERE!!   The x-rays showed no Y!   The Dr unwrapped my arm and moved it up and down a little. He said, "Linda I don't think your arm is broken."

So I went home. It was a little sore for a couple of days, at the elbow, but then it was fine.  I've been moving it, the same as usual.  That night, as I was studying, I came across , I think it's 2 Cor., where it talks about the "changing of the body".

Father spoke to me and said, "In the twinkling of an eye, the body will be changed. But, the "twinkling of the eye" is not, as My people think,  in terms of natural time."

When studied out, "the twinkling of the eye" really says, in the original writing, "in the jerking of the eye".

Now in my Spirit, what I'm getting is:  , the "twinkling of the eye, is not a quick thing. It's ,as our focus gets away (when the eye is "jerked" away from) the natural, and our focus is stayed on WHO we are, and on Father,that parts of our body will be changed.

 It's  like this:  I was NOT to focus on my arm, just on Him, and as my focus stayed on Him, and who HE has created me to be, that my arm was ok.  I have no pain in my arm like I did, EVEN BEFORE it was broken. (from Arthritis).  And I feel that this is going to be "the changing", of each part of our body, as a process, just like our walk has been a process to bring us into the knowing that we are Father's Christ on earth, (His anointed ones).  Please keep this in prayer. I know it sounds almost impossible,  to the natural ear, but it's there. I can't shake this thought. I AM holding to this vision. ("Without a vision, my people perish".)  Then my attention was drawn to something in His Word, about how , Jesus, our Pattern, Father's very LIFE, within us ,changed HIS body, while here on earth.

to be continued.....
Be blessed.





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