Teacher: Linda Keith
Intercessor & Secretary:
Marlene McCuan








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Changing of the Body  part 6
"He Spoke To His Bones"

Everything of God has in it, healing of God. Life of God. No disease, no death can exist in God's Presence. And Jesus' prayer was, "thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."  We are the earth that Jesus spoke of.  We are the earth or earthen vessels that Father dwells in and show forth Himself, through.

He is showing forth Himself TODAY!  He is coming forth through a people, who like "little children", BELIEVE, the things, the WORDS that He speaks.  They have come into union with Him; they are THINKING like Him. In fact, His thoughts have become their thoughts..... and those thoughts are becoming WORDS.  With the words and the belief, things are happening!!  Hallelujah!

Rev 1:17-18, "....Fear not; I am the first and the last: (18) I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."

People think that the work of Jesus was finished when He died on the Cross. But, His work wasn't finished until He resurrected and His Christ resurrected with Him, US, His Body of Christ. (this was the work He came to do.) The first and the last. The Head and the Body.  And the Head and the Body cannot be separated.  Both became ONE. And the "UNITED ONE has the keys of hell and of death!!  Hallelujah!!

In Rev 1:19, "the things" that Jesus is speaking of is found in verses 12-13, The many membered Body that has come into His Image. "The things hereafter" is found in Rev 4:5.

As we KNOW, everything began with a thought and a word! And the Holy Spirit has been speaking to us forever , about this.

PROV 18:21, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."

This is such a powerful statement! But, attention is not really given to it UNLESS someone brings it up, and then it just as quickly forgotten. Deeper things are desired.  Let's look at these words and their definitions, and be astonished.

LIFE: In the Hebrew #2416, 2421= raw flesh; living thing; quick; keep, make, leave alive; preserve alive; quicken; be whole.

If these definitions, alone, doesn't excite and encourage anyone, I just can't understand!! And we are going to look at "quick and quicken", a little later on.

DEATH;  In the Hebrew #4194=to die; the place or state of; ruin; be dead; just that.

TONGUE:   In the Hebrew, #3966= instrument of speech.                                    

So, what PROV 18:21, saying is:                                                                      

"Quickening of life; keeping life, IS IN THE POWER OF THE WORDS WE SAY OR SPEAK ."
This is a verse , inspired of God, so it HAS TO BE TRUE!!!!   The tongue or our words can take or give a life. Words can take the very will to life from a person.

PROV. 12:17-18
VERSES 17 and 18 are so full of WISDOM!   I want to look at the last part of verse 18....
"...but the tongue of the wise is HEALTH."                                                                                          
This word, "HEALTH"  is even MORE encouraging!

HEALTH: In the Hebrew # 4832 and #7495= curative; a medicine; a cure;                               deliverance; remedy; sound; wholesome.     

      #7495= thoroughly make whole!!

PROV 15:4, "A wholesome tongue is a TREE OF LIFE:  but perverseness  therein is a breach in the spirit."

WHOLESOME In the Hebrew #4832= the same thing as "HEALTH" in Prov 18:24.
PERVERSENESS  In the Hebrew #5558= distortion.                                     
BREACH In the Hebrew #7665-67=a fracture; ruin; to crush; break in pieces, destroy; bring to the birth; broken (hand or foot.)                                          

Our words are seed, brought to a birthing!! This birthing is either LIFE OR DEATH.  IF a breach in the Spirit can be spoken, so can NOT ONLY LIFE, but the EXACT thing that our PATTERN did;  HE SPOKE TO HIS BONES!! (PS 22:17)                  

We know from PS 22:17, that Jesus talked to HIS BODY , not only AFTER resurrection, but also the scripture shows that He did BEFORE His resurrection.

AFTER:  LUKE 24:39
"Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have."                           

"Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself,  and went out of the the temple, going through the midst of them and so passed by."

In the Greek #2928= to hide (self); keep secret; (by covering).  Now, this could be taken 2 different ways. Either by putting on different clothes, etc. or by the covering of the power of though and words that He had within Himself, and changed His appearance. So, I am not going to say , for sure, how this happened. But, in my spirit, I feel it was a changing of His appearance. Another, scripture speaks of when they were going to throw Jesus off of a cliff. (Luke 4), and yet He walked through the midst of them.  So, on this, we will have to allow the Spirit to give us all understanding, on.

But, scripture in PS 22:17 and the scripture in Luke 24:39, shows us clearly, that He did speak to His Body.  Now, I'm not talking about a "name it and claim it" sort of thing. I'm talking about, THOSE WHO KNOW WHO THEY ARE, speaking and believing, the words that they speak and by following the PATTERN, will do this.  I am not talking about mere mortal man, ONLY those who know that they ARE Christ, a particular member of HIS BODY.  We have got to lose these "religious" and "mystical" thoughts!!  Simply because, FATHER HAS ALREADY  placed within us ALL that is needed to walk into the pattern that He laid for us. "We ARE complete in Him"!!  And our thoughts become our WORDS!!  And our WORDS bring LIFE OR DEATH, even , I believe, the changing of the body. (understand, that this is by the leading of the Spirit!)

I think we will be finishing up this study in the next part, (unless Father plans more). We will be looking at , "in the twinkling of an eye".                                          

to be continued......                                                                                        
Be Blessed.                                                                                            


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