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  What and Who Are We----Genesis    part 2

This first chapter has told us about the earth being created and all the things that God created to be in it.  Now , we're going to see how we KNOW that the first Chapter is in a spiritual state of being and how in the second Chapter,  shows us how it all became in the earth or natural realm.

Genesis 2:4-5, " These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. (5) And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew;  for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth , AND THERE WAS NO MAN TO TILL THE GROUND."

WHOA!!!!  There was A MAN CREATED IN CHAPTER 1, but here in Chapter 2, there WAS NO MAN!!  Also, notice in Chapter 1, there was only ONE HEAVEN created. Here we see,  in Chapter 2"1, HEAVENS, plural !!  And notice "it had not rained " on the earth in Chapter 1. We KNOW that here on earth, this natural earth, NOTHING can live without water. Man or anything else, cannot live without water.  So, that earth in Chapter 1, could not have been a NATURAL EARTH. This is one clue that shows us that all in Chapter 1 was in a spiral form or state of being. The Spirit realm does not need water to exist.

Now, let's look at when God brought the NATURAL EARTH into being, out from the SPIRITUAL EARTH in Chapter 1.

Genesis 2:6, "....and God formed man of the dust of the ground..."

Here, when God gave the man in Chapter 1 a body, the man was perfect at this time. He was in the image of God. He was a living soul. And in chapter 1, since there was NOTHING created for God to make man from, that only leaves Father God, Himself, to create man from. And what is God?  He is a Spirit. (John 4:24). So, man was created, in chapter 1 from the VERY BEING OF GOD. Man was created, as, what God was!!  So, let's put this all together.  Man was created a spirit being, created from the very substance that was God.  Just as a woman having a baby, that baby didn't just come from "the dust of the ground", that baby IS CREATED by its mother and dad. Man was created from the very substance of God,  A SPIRIT. In the image of God. What does His Word tell us God is?  

John 4:24, "...God is a SPIRIT..."

Man IS a spirit. That has never changed. We were created a Spirit being and we ARE STILL a Spirit being. Father's Word tells us that we are created in the image of God, if that is true, we are a spirit being. Whether we understand it or not, it's true. Ok, Once He created us a spirit being, He "FORMED" us, He clothed us with a flesh body. Now, understand, the flesh body isn't us, we are a spirit. We just use the flesh body to live here on earth in. To get around in.  The "dust of the ground", speaks of "being seen". In the natural, things are seen, in the spirit things are invisible to the natural eyes.  EVERYTHING that God created in Chapter 1, He "clothed'" and it could be seen.  And just to throw a little extra bit of information, look at this:

Genesis 3:14, "And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; and upon thy belly shalt thou go, and DUST SHALT THOU EAT ALL THE DAYS OF THY LIFE!!"

This should be a real eye opener!!  God created man a Spirit being, then form (or clothed) him from the dust of the earth; and then told the serpent THAT THE DUST WAS WHAT HE HAD TO EAT!!  So, that sort of does away with the thought that the devil was once a beautiful angel that fell from heaven and took a third of the angels with him, doesn't it.????   God is so good to give us understanding IF ONLY we will seek Him!! This should also show us, that our preachers and pastors have not had all the answers and some of the answers that they DID have, was incorrect!!  We learned lies and have been living with them and believing in those lies.  No wonder man is in the shape he's in. He sets his eyes upon another man, and it's like the blind leading the blind.  Now, let's get back to the man.

Then God place it all in the "garden"

OK, it says "man became a living soul". So, man is a spirit being, that lives in a flesh body and has a soul. (the soul is the part of man that can be tempted.) We must understand that every word has a gender. The words of the Spirit are masculine, in gender. (the male)  Words pertaining to the flesh realm are female , in gender (the woman). The Spirit part of man is man's TRUE being, the LIFE IN A PERSON.  The soul, (called the woman) is where all the temptations that we are faced with, is. And both the Spirit (or the man) and the soul (or the woman) live in a flesh body. Which tells us that we are a three part being. Spirit, Soul, and Body.And gloriously, God provided salvation for all 3 parts of us.

Salvation of the 3 parts of our makeup:

Spirit=John 3:5-8, 1Cor 5:5

Soul= James 1:21, 1Peter 1:9-12

Body= Rom 8:23, Luke 3:6   What??? You mean that our LITERAL body does not have to see death?!!!  Yep, that's what Father's Written Word tells us.  Read these scriptures for yourself.  (see our study on "Do We Have To See Physical Death).

 Look at it like this:  EVE represents the soul or earthen part of us.  Adam represents the LIFE of the Son of God in us. All we've been taught is that Adam fell , he is the cause of all the sin in the world. But , you might find it interesting to know that Adam is/was the Son of God.!!

This verse in the NT, is giving the generations from JESUS back to Adam:

LUKE 3:38, " Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which WAS THE SON OF GOD."

The body that God put the man (who was created a Spirit being) in, was a perfected body. A glorified body. There was no sickness, no disease, no age caused problems!! This the same kind of body that we are now being changed BACK INTO, IF we follow Father.  Not "act" like we are Christians and that we're following Him. We MUST leave ALL and walk every step of the way BACK, WITH HIM. We will leave ALL, sister, brother, mother , father, son or daughter to follow Him. And we will allow His Life (His Anointing, His Christ, notice , I didn't say Jesus, because Jesus is NOW the Father (John 17-4-5) and WE are the sons 1John 3:2)) to live through us  It(the new body that we are returning to)  will be able to be seen, but, it will be supernatural, if you will.  The "dust of the ground" is a covering. It has covered the MIND that was in that spirit man in the beginning. But, there IS a people that IS having "the dust of the ground" wiped off of the mind. They aren't thinking with their NATURAL EYES, they are thinking with the Mind that was in them, from the beginning. They pay no attention to what their natural 5 senses tell them, they BELIEVE EVERY WORD that God tells them that they really are!!  What's happening is this:  remember when I showed you that the "dust" was to be the serpent's food?  Well, the serpent eats the dust (of us) until there is NO MORE DUST!!  Then the serpent is destroyed, for lack of food, and all that is seen is the REAL us, the Christ that we are, the Life of God living through us.  This should help you not to be so afraid of the Devil anymore. To some of us, Heb 2:14-15  has been fulfilled.

Hebrews 2:14-15 , "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he (Jesus) also himself likewise too part of the same: that through death (Jesus' death on the cross) he (jesus) might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil !!" And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage."      

That bondage was death. Now we're freed of death, IF we believe and follow Him!!

Man being "in the garden" , simply means that he was in a "heavenly state of being".  In a Paradise, if you will.  You know what the definition of "heaven" is?  It means: anything off the tera firma!!  We have "heaven" all around us. Heaven and hell, is between our ears!!  Our minds. Heaven is a state of being of focusing on ALL THAT IS GOD!!  "God is all in all".   Or the fear of death, hell fire, burning, if these are what we're focusing on, we ARE IN HELL NOW!!   "As a man thinketh in his mind, so is he".  Do we choose to focus on what our natural eyes see, or do we by faith focus on the Truths that Father tells us, EVEN THOUGH we don't see them manifested in the natural, YET!!  But, for some ,the Truths of Father have become such a Truth Reality, that they DO SEE THEM MANIFESTED!!  AMEN!

Hebrew 12:1, " we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses..."

These are those who have already passed. They are all around us. But,they are in the spirit realm and can't be seen, but they surround us.  Imagine that!!  Heaven IS THE SPIRIT REALM, not that far away place in the sky. Father is waking us up to His Wonderful Truths, folks.  Hallelujah!  Let our Spirit Praise Him!!

Man , when he was in that spiritual state of being, knew NOTHING except God, the "good" of God. That man did not know "evil" because it wasn't created yet. Only God knew about it, because He created it and planned it for a reason. (Is 45:7, Is 54:16, John 8:44, John 1:3, Amos 3:2-6 be sure to read all of these.)  

Man has taught us that there was a big revolt between the devil and some of the angels and this revolt was against God, and that God wasn't powerful enough to control something that He created and that devil won and left "heaven" !! Do we really believe,  that the ALL POWERFUL God, was not powerful enough that the devil won????  Oh I pray your answer is NO I DON'T BELIEVE THAT!!!  There is NO POWER MORE POWERFUL THAN OUR GOD!!

John 1:3, should make it absolutely clear that the lie about the "fall" is from the pit of hell. and could NEVER be true.  FATHER PLANNED "THE FALL:.   He created and planned it for a reason. The reason?  For that man that He formed,  to come to this lower realm, the earthen realm, to learn about and to take control of ALL THINGS. Think about it.  The Lamb (Jesus) WAS SLAIN BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD (Rev 13:8)

REV 13:8, " And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are written in the book of life of THE LAMB SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD".

Folks, I don't care what you've been taught, or who argues you up and down, that we are sinners saved by grace,...DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO TAKE THIS TRUTH FROM YOU!!!   Jesus made the atonement BEFORE "the fall".   So , Adam FELL INTO THE ATONEMENT!!  We have NEVER been separated from God.  They will argue you up and down on this. BUT, who's Word is true, God's or man's mistaken interpretation of His Word.?  I'll take God's Word ANY DAY OVER MAN'S INTERPRETATION!!!  Whether we understand it or not, HIS WORD IS TRUTH!!   Go to Father, ask for understanding. I don't care how well schooled a man/woman is, or how many seminaries they've attended, God's Word is TRUTH.  Some of these same ministers, years ago, ministered the message of the Rapture, They would argue then FOR the Rapture, NOW , they know that , that message was misinterpreted. So, they are NOW living a RE-HAPPENING!! They are arguing ANOTHER MISINTERPRETATION!!   But, they WILL see this TRUTH, in God's timing.

"The fall" was a planned part of God's Plan for us to manifest ON EARTH,  WHO we really are and take DOMINION of ALL THINGS, and allow ONLY Father to be seen through us. Let's look at the spirit being, that we really are a little bit more.

The spiritman can NEVER die. The body can, but not the spiritman, that is living in this body of flesh..

ECC 12:7 tells us, "  the body returns to the dust of the earth, but the spirit RETURNS to Father.."

We were created a spirit being, and we STILL ARE a spirit being. We were put in this flesh body to live on the natural earth and learn to overcome all things, EVEN DEATH!!  

HEBREW 9:27, "man is appointed to die ONCE!"

What does ROMANS 6:6 tell us, we that we met that death we were appointed to when the old man died. That is the ONLY death we are to see. BUT, Christians KEEP THE OLD MAN ALIVE!!  They THINK that the old man and the Christ that we are, are BOTH LIVING in this body.  God's Word tells us THE OLD MAN IS DEAD! Have you accepted Jesus as your Saviour?  If so, your old man died then, when you accepted Him as Saviour. Actually, your old man died 2000 years ago!!  It's just that his death didn't manifest on this earthen plane until Jesus went to the Cross.  And Jesus, the LAMB was slain BEFORE the foundation of the world,  but that didn't manifest on earth until 2000 years ago.  We have got to stop thinking with the carnal mind and let Gods' Word be TRUE!!  Who's right, your THINKING OR GOD'S WORD??  I don't care what you see coming out of you, the OLD MAN IS DEAD.  It's just that you give more attention to what you THINK you are, instead of focusing on WHAT FATHER SAYS YOU ARE. What ever you MAGNIFY (keep your attention on) just gets BIGGER!!  Stop looking at what your natural thoughts tell you and keep your EYES and YOUR BELIEF on the Words that He tells you , regarding who and what you are, and you'll see the things that the natural eyes are seeing fall away and disappear!!  People ARE doing it TODAY!!!  They give NO ATTENTION to the natural acts, and things are drastically changing and that includes their BODY!!

Romans 12:2
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. "

Romans 8:6
"To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."

Isaiah 26:3
"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. "

2 Corinthians 10:3-5
"Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down VAIN IMAGINATIONS and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."  Vain imaginations are ANYTHING that is contrary to what God says>

Ephesians 4:22-24
"PUT OFF (out of your mind), concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and…put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. "

We have 2 choices: we can keep our focus on who He says we are, OR we can keep our focus on the carnal man that our thoughts tell us we are, and keep right on seeing all the wrong in us that only grows worse!!  It's up to us. God has finished His Work. The word tells us this all through the New Testament, and as an excuse, we keep saying, "well God will do this or God will do that,"  guess what, He's done His Work, now it's OUR TURN to do ours!!  The natural mind tells us this is impossible, but His Word tells us:

Phil 2:12, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

He provided the salvation , but we have a part to play in working it out in manifestation. Living ungodly IS NOT MANIFESTING that SALVATION!!  People live ANY WAY, using the excuse, He has to take this or that from me. Well, we have a wonderful mind that HE PROVIDED US WITH, which will we focus on, the pleasures of the flesh, or focus on what and who He tells us that we are?  We use so many stupid excuses for not allowing Him to be seen in us, but that's just what those excuses are, STUPID. IF you like living in hell, keep using them.  If you want joy, peace and love, stay focused on Him and His Truths and allow them to manifest.  Amen.

1Cor 2:15, " the natural man understands NOT the things of the Spirit!!"

 Think with the carnal mind or think with the spirit mind. It's up to us. We can blame anything we want to, but it boils down to one thing, giving the time and diligence it takes to stay in His Presence and into His Word. Don't worry about memorizing scripture, meditate on HIS TRUTHS ABOUT US!!  He doesn't want a "religious" people, He wants a people that desire to be in HIS PRESENCE!

The Book of Revelation shows the coming forth of a people who are manifesting Christ on earth. (not Jesus, but Christ). We've had man teach us that this book is the revealing of Jesus.  But, this goes to show, a lot of study has NOT been done, or else it would be seen WHO is being revealed.

Revelation 1:1, " The revelation of Jesus..."

People say, "well see, it says this is revealing Jesus". I beg to differ. Search out the words.  The word "OF" in the Greek is "ek"  meaning " out from within"!! So actually, this verse is saying, in the original writing:

"The revelation out from within Jesus the Christ...."  Quite a difference, isn't it when you know what was actually written??

Then the one who this revelation out from within Jesus, is about, is shown if  1:13.

Rev 1:13, " ....one like unto the Son of Man..."

This is who is being revealed, the Manifested Body of Christ, the Manifested Sons of God, that Rom 8:29 speaks of. Oh we need to wake up and keep our minds on Father's truths instead of what the carnal, natural eyes LIKES to look upon, shortcomings, faults, errors, habits , all of the garbage, that we allow our eyes to linger on.  Start seeing in the spirit.  God sees ALL cleaned, righteous, holy, and HIS CHRIST, that is a many membered body of people!!  (Rom 12:5, Eph 5:30).

To put it short and sweet, we manifest what we keep our focus on. If we see people feeling guilty, under condemnation, then we will KNOW that they keep their eyes on the natural, not the spiritual being that their GOD TELLS THEM, WHAT AND WHO THEY ARE.  Amen

to be continued...