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   The Serpent Mind--Eve, the soul mind

Father has blessed us with this study, that my precious sister, Lorraine, sent. With all that is going on here at home, Father, as always, has provided Part 6, through Lorraine. If any of you have any questions or comments , please share them with Lorraine. Her email address is:

lac37j@yahoo.ca (Lorraine Costain)

Eat up this wonderful Word!!! I am placing a note at the end of this Word.  Also, I want to thank you, Lorraine, for , as usual, being receptive to what Father shows you and for being receptive to KNOWING when it is needed. I love this about you.      Love Linda

Hi Sis,

I know you are busy with lots of things this week, but you will get a chance to read this sooner or later. This is very strongly in my heart to write today, so I write...lol.

I am very excited about these teachings. Here is how Father has been showing me these same truths:

Within each man/woman is the Mind of God, and the mind of the Soul, woman, Eve. The mind of the soul is the 'earth' that the serpent, the devil, the dragon walks to and fro in. Death occurs only through the realm of the soul.through listening to, obeying, and living out of the mind of the soul... instead of the Mind of God within us.

In thinking about this serpent who only has power over the soul of man, I am reminded of the 'fear' that was birthed within man when his eyes were opened. The Father has also shown me(like He has you) that 'fear' originated in the Garden, and that this is very significant to what He is teaching us today. In our tradition we are taught of a literal devil, a spirit being that pursues us relentlessly. We have made this Satan out to be an angel that lived in 'heaven' but fell. We know this isn't true because the Father has shown us that Isa 14 and Ezek 28 is not talking about
Satan, but about the First Adam/Son who fell from 'heaven', or fell from living out of the Mind of God. We have made this devil, or Satan, bigger and almost equal to the Father. The religious church spends more time fighting the devil than they do following after Father.

Now here is how I see it: The serpent only has power over us to the extent we give him power. The serpent had no power over man, until man gave him this power by receiving and acting upon instructions from his soul mind instead of God's mind. The serpent(ruler of the soul) could tempt man, but had no power over man until man gave him this power. When we make this
mistake (acting upon the serpent's instructions) (sin..miss the mark) 'fear' enters our heart. Fear of death, fear of this, fear of that, etc...NOW the serpent(the ruler of our earth, soul) has power over us...through our fears.

What we believe(have faith in) is what we will receive and live out of! What we 'fear' is also what we believe or have faith in (though falsely) and will receive and live out of! What Job 'feared' came upon him! So, what we come down to is this question; do we believe or not believe (have faith or not have faith) in the Father's good intentions toward His creation?
The serpent tells us that God's intentions towards us are not good!

Do we believe that He created us to die? Do we believe that He is witholding something good from us (like the serpent told Eve)? Do we believe that His intentions towards us are good? Do we believe that He wants mankind to suffer, to get in accidents, to hurt one another, etc...? We may believe in His power to deliver us...but do we really believe that He desires to deliver us? See what I mean? When we are afraid of losing someone, something, getting hurt, dying, etc...then we are NOT believing in His good intentions towards us? We are believing the lies of the serpent instead...and this believing the lies of the serpent gives him power to bring these things upon us! Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear is the serpent's inheritance for us, and the ammunition he uses against us. Through living out of his lies, we give him the 'right' and the power to bring calamity into our lives, steal God's promises from us, and even kill us.

But, when we believe what God says, then the serpent loses his power over us...and what God says comes to pass in our lives instead of our FEARS (the lies of the serpent)! Does this make sense? I am reminded of Heb 2:15 :

"And also that He might deliver and completely set free all those who through the [haunting] FEAR OF DEATH were held in bondage throughout the whole course of their lives." (Amplified)

Back to the Mind of God:

When revealing this to me, the Father brought me into the awareness that the 'heaven' we have always thought of as being "up there in the sky somewhere", is really us being "caught up" into the Mind of God right here today in this body, on this natural earth. Science teaches us that we only use 10% of our total brain capacity. What exists in the other 90%? Food for thought..aahhh! Science also believes that those who have certain abilities like telekinis, pyschic
ability, etc...are accessing a part of this 90% of the brain that the average person never accesses. I know that religiously we have thought that these ones are following satan, or accessing the spiritual realm through a way that is not through Christ...but could we possibly be wrong? As you pointed out...we quickly blame the devil for everything we don't understand.
Could it be that these ones are accessing part of the mind of God that exists within ALL mankind, but we are blinded to through living out of the mind of the woman, the soul, Eve???

Within the mind of God is ALL the power and knowledge of the universe...seen and not seen. Being made in His image meaning everything HE IS abides within US!!  Everything He knows and is capable of doing abides within US, has been given to us, and can be accessed by us through receiving and living out of His Mind within us, instead of our own! Not just US who claim His Name...but ALL of mankind!

God never created man to die, therefore there is really NO SUCH THING as death...and this is why we read in Revelation that all of those who have died are to be resurrected. Death is the last enemy to be defeated...because God, the Father, never created MAN to die. Death is an enemy. (Man began to die because of his own mistake, which the Father knew he would
make..and had already made atonement for through Christ Jesus even before man fell) Full restoration means that even 'death' will be completely destroyed in ALL of creation, including every man.

Death is a product of our own unrenewed minds, or the mind of our soul, flesh, Eve...death is the result of sin...of us missing the mark...which is living out of our natural soul/flesh minds, instead of receiving and living out of the mind of God that is also within us.

I believe that man was originally formed in a glorified body, a body that would never die...but
began to die or lost his glorified covering through obeying the mind of his soul, instead of the Mind of God within him. And mankind/we would continue to die as long as they/we continue to live out of a mind that was NOT God's. Enoch lived out of the Mind of God within him, instead of the mind of his own soul..and Enoch never died.

When man listened to the serpent, the mind of his soul, man was convinced that God was witholding something from him...something that man could attain through his own means, through his own thinking/wisdom and efforts. Man became convinced that his own soulish
wisdom was equal to the Mind, Wisdom of God within him. When man acted upon this 'thinking' man began to die, and progressively (generation thru generation) became more and more blinded to the Mind of God within him through living in the darkness, the mind of the
soul, flesh.

Man was put out of the Garden which symbolizes 'heaven', God's perfect Will for mankind. 'Heaven' being the Mind of God that is within each of us. The Father planted this 'heaven' and put man in it (or He gave us His Mind and His perfect Will for us is for us to live out of His Mind)...then..the Father created the woman, the soul, the carnal mind of man. Man was
never supposed to live out of the soul, but out of the Mind of God...which subdues and has dominion over the mind of the soul and the soul realm. This is why the Word says that the Man is the Head over the Woman...and that Christ is the Head over the Man!!!! (not speaking of natural men and women, but the 2 minds within us) This is God's perfect Will for each
of us...and within this divine order of His...DEATH doesn't exist only LIFE!!! If there weren't two minds within us then the Word wouldn't warn us to deny the mind of the flesh and follow the Mind of the Spirit instead!!!

When Man listened and obeyed the serpent instead of God, man was awakened(or his eyes were opened) to his soul realm, natural mind. Man was fooled by the serpent who appeals to the woman, the soul mind within us. The serpent walks to an fro in our earth(soul) trying to convince man/us into "thinking" that our soul mind is equal to God's Mind within us. The
serpent is constantly trying to convince us that we can use our own minds(soul) to become 'like God'(or be made in His image), and to convince us that our soul, natural wisdom is equal to the Wisdom of God within us. The serpent being the ruler of the carnal, flesh mind, or as you would put it, the mind of the soul, Eve.

The fruit of the serpent is our fears which are only overcome through taking every 'thought' captive unto Christ, or the Mind of God within us. In this way, through the renewing of our minds to the Mind of God, the serpent(and his lies) is losing his power over us and we are being delivered from our fears. Instead we are beginning to really believe (in our hearts and minds), and speak with our mouths, that God's intentions towards us have always been good, and that
His inheritance for all mankind is for us to live eternally in 'heaven', in His Mind ...here on this
earth(globe) He created...in bodies that were NOT created to die!!!

The work of the Spirit within us is causing our hearts and minds to reject the lies (fears) of the serpent and receive and believe the Truth of His Word instead. We cannot change the beliefs of our heart in our own strength and ability (that is a lie of the serpent), but the Spirit can and IS doing this work within us!!!  Through this changing of our hearts and minds we are being transformed, or remembering who we were created to be...sons of God, not created to die, but to live eternally with Him in 'heaven', which is the Mind of God within us.

I have something else to share with you, but I will do so in another letter. The reason being is because it is of a different topic than this one...but one which He continuously keeps speaking to me of.

My love, thoughts, and prayers are with you my SIS! I
can tell by your words that the 'peace' of God is
ruling your heart! He is so Good, so Wonderful to us!
Thank you Father!!!!!!

Love you always, Lorraine xoxoxo   
*** a note of Linda.   Do you know that in the original writing of the bible, the devil, Satan, the snake are not called any of these names.  Only "THE ADVERSARY" is mentioned.