
Present Existence of Being

All That The Father Has Is Yours

The Adam Man

The True Independence Day


Living In The Moment Of Now

The Power of Resurrection

The Feast of Tabernacles

The Cocoon

THE Inifinite Being Of I AM

Power Over All Flesh

The Law of Liberty


The Secret Place of Being

Thou Art a Priest Forever

As I AM So Are You

Bringing You Into This State of Being










EXISTENCE, THE DIVINE PRESENT I AM, NEVER BEGAN TO BE. In the word definition of "PRESENT" means existing NOW. In process; NOW BEING. In the definition for "NOW" it refers to time, and at this moment. Yet MOMENT is an indefinitely, having no exalt limits of brief period of time. It's instantiously! You only experience this NOW as long as your attention span of your mind gives you to the presence of existence. EXISTENCE HAS NO ORIGIN IN TIME. THERE IS NO CAUSE FOR EXISTENCE BECAUSE EXISTENCE NEVER BEGIN TO BE. It always is. ONLY BEING IS! It is not human, but BEING IS; IT'S WHO YOU ARE. THERE IS ONLY BEING'S ENDLESS TOTAL PRESENCE, ITS SPECIFIC ALLNESS. It's not a thinking mentality, for I show you the being was something beyond the thoughts and imaginations; of the human - carnal mind. Yet what you are experiencing in this present time or moment is eternal! How can I  put it to you from spirit to words to convey an eternal truth, for this is part of the unfolding of your identity AS I AM, AN ELOHIM, God as man.


NOW let's look at this; and just relax and allow me WHO is you convey to you  THE TRUE ESSENCE OF WHAT I AS SPIRIT  WANT TO SAY TO YOU IN IT'S PUREST WORD. For you who read and hear, read these words SLOWLY and CONTEMPLATE each word. Do a word study using a dictionary and the concordance to see what each word means, and allow the Holy Spirit to open up what is hidden in them. For it is written for MY WORDS ARE SPIRIT AND THEY ARE LIFE. And allow me to speak to you through your own understanding at the level of this present moment has for you, and you will begin to see that ALL THINGS THAT "I" HAVE AS THE FATHER ARE YOURS.


YOU'RE THE ONLY PRESENCE AND POWER, NOT TIME. YOUR BEING IS ALL THAT IS PRESENT TO BE POWER.  You saw that this BEING, the energy of spirit that fills this body as all it is, this is the power of life. It is all powerful because it is also omnipotence meaning omni -  that it is everywhere at all times while it is all powerful. This is an ELIOHIM of  the MOST HIGH, who is free from time in his thinking. For it seems as if time were PRIMARY; the dominant, on - going state - THAT THE PRESENT WAS TEMPORARY; a brief, elusive state. It seems you are BEING THE PRESENT ONLY PERIODICALLY. You create time with your mind. It is your mind that makes you think that the present is temporary. But it's not! When you are aware of the moment as you are now, you do not have allot of thoughts going on in your mind. But as soon as you entertain one thought, you awareness of the PRESENCE is gone. Yet the LIVING MOMENT OF THE PRESENCE CANNOT BE TOUCH BY THE MIND. Sitting quietly makes you receptive to the LIVING PRESENCE OF GOD. But when you lost your conscious awareness of the living presence, you lost your sense of existence of BEING.


THIS BEING here and sitting here  being quiet has brought you into the state of BEING PRESENT THROUGH BEING STILL AND SILENT WITHIN YOUR MIND. As you let go of all thoughts and imaginations durning this present moment you find yourself in a unique place to where you are CONTENT. And in CONTENTMENT of this present moment you have moved into a peace, a joy, a rest, a love that produces a tranquillity that passes all understanding. You lack nothing, but you possess all THAT IS PRESENT! If you can stay in this place that is present then you will see this LAW OF ATTRACTION will draw or attract more of the same, and THE ALL THINGS THAT FATHER HAS BECOMES AVAILABLE. If you DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE  LORD YOUR GOD, then he will GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART. And it is these DESIRES THAT "I" GIVE YOU THAT THIS LAW OF ATTRACTION BRINGS TO YOU.


SO let's go on! SO YOU NO LONGER TRY TO GET OUT OF TIME AND STRUGGLE TO STAY IN THE PRESENCE. Isn't this so, that your awareness of this silence and stillness is ALWAYS PRESENT? And isn't it so that I have done this by the spirit to bring you to this place of the PRESENCE OF NOW?  Just as I did to bring into your self - discovery that you existed as BEING. Look at where this has brought you from; but KNOW THAT THIS IS NOT AN END! There is more to this. But to get beyond your own mind with its thoughts and imaginations is ONE BIG STEP! But you must still stay in your booth, for the FEAST OF TABERNACLES is not yet completed in you, but only beginning as you NOW are partaking off of my table to eat from. THE MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD HAD BREAD AND WINE TO GIVE. So do you when you stay in this place of dwelling in the presence, that IS BEHIND THE VEIL.


TIME HAS NO PRESENCE OF ITS OWN BECAUSE ONLY BEING ITSELF IS ALL PRESENCE. Only BEING itself, that's you, have all presence. This is moving beyond time and your mind. Yet it is your mind that I want. THE PRESENT IS THE ONLY "I". And the "I" THAT I AM IS BEING - - - BEING YOU! THAT'S ALL! What else can I BE EXCEPT YOU! I  am you and you are me and we are one and the same. YOUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE IS SO GLORIOUSLY PURE AND FRESH. SO NEW AND BREATHTAKINGLY FREE, THERE IS NO WORDS FOR IT! AND ONLY THIS PURE ABSOLUTE FREEDOM IS PRESENT.You know this is true, but you don't know this. For even the illustration of this man of light does not even express the brilliance of this glorious existence of BEING, THIS ELOHIM that you are. Its many times brighter then the sun. This is THE NOW BEING ITSELF. You! NOW we are the SONS OF GOD; Now we are the children of EL ELYON, THE MOST HIGH. That means NOW IS PRESENT NOW. Now we are... The hour is coming and NOW IS!



John Rojak
Photography by Rojak
c: 253.221.9077
e: PhotographyByRojak@gmail.com